Which of these 5 most projected lies about Hell does Dustin Pestlin best addresses and why?

Please watch this powerful 16 minute long video!

I think Dustin Pestlin of Hope Through Prophecy YouTube channel best addresses lie number 3 and shows that eternal or eternity is not everlasting. Example that he used was if people burn forever in Hell, they too would have eternal life, which God says only through Jesus is eternal life achieved.

Is the greatest pain in Hell missing out on eternity?

Satan has poisoned the minds of many and people view God as evil when He isn't. Satan has poisoned many into believing God is only a conceived being and not eternal being. Why do you think unbelievers listen to Satan's lie? Are you glad that sin, death and suffering will be over with one day and never return? Please share your top spiritual views concerning why people believe this!
Hell is in the center of the Earth
Hell is burning right now
The wicked will burn in Hell for all of eternity
The devil is in charge of Hell
God takes pleasure in the destruction of the wicked
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Which of these 5 most projected lies about Hell does Dustin Pestlin best addresses and why?
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