Why are adults so cold to teenagers and treat them in ridicilous inhumane ways? Please respond to each thing I list out before I hear a common retort?

Ill go down the list before u say there oversensitive and ignorant and naive and all that. Not all adults do this. I mean *some* adults above. This is not a personal attack on whoesever answering the question.

1 (Like there desire for socilization and inclusion is silly, when we are a social species and we need to connect.

2( Like peer pressure is some super easy thing to overcome

(3 Bipolar expectations, wanting one thing from them and actually wanting another and getting upset when they gave you exactly what you wanted.

4( Cringe when they try to find themselves, seek spiritual path, find what they beleive. whats wrong with doing that? its better than being a boring nobody. and what is wrong with seeking spirituality aren't older people supposed to believe in god and jesus and stuff.

(5 treat them like there problems are fake.

(6 treat everything they do as cringe.

(7 laugh at them cold dry humor all the time
Why are adults so cold to teenagers and treat them in ridicilous inhumane ways? Please respond to each thing I list out before I hear a common retort?
3 Opinion