Why does religion see gay people as equivalent evil as like a murder?

I know at least for Christians the Bible talks about how a man shouldn't lie with another man. The hate, the judgment, the lack of understanding or even seeking to understand. It isn't something that can be switched on or off in that way. Being gay kinda always feels like it was there, I was never really attracted to women at all my whole life and only ever being attracted to men. I felt it was wrong and tried to shove it away my whole life cause I was Christian. Recently I finally felt comfortable enough to come out cause I can't force myself to be with a woman if I never feel attracted to her or anything. It's wrong to do that. I'm still Christian and trying to live with the fact I'm gay, honestly to me it's better than nothing cause this world is kinda screwed and there's nothing to hope for in the world. I just never understood the hate to them, their people too. Sometimes it can be life events that might have turned some people gay, either it be trama or just natural. I've thought many times if my trama as a child played a big role in me being gay. Probably did but I can't change that. I can't be straight. Either I'm gay, or I'm gay and just never be in a relationship and suppress myself my whole life. (Which can only lead to more issues)
Why does religion see gay people as equivalent evil as like a murder?
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