- 1 mo
The belief in God is very different dependent on your culture and can change from person to person, even people that believe can have different beliefs about that same God which frankly makes it all really confusing to me.
But pretty much the only reason I believe in God is because my parents have been raised by church minded parents and since my parents have helped me all through my life i take what they teach me seriously. I would believe in God a bit more if the rules that are taught by the Bible actually had immediate consequences but unfortunately beliefs are only beliefs as far as I can tell. Multiple lessons in the Bible were broken all through out America's upbringing Back in the days of the Early settlers of America, they first found native Americans, in the beginning some did live peacefully alongside them for years which was a good thing, but as more settlers came over and started wanting to claim north America as their own they pushed away the natives from their own homes, and as the expedition expanded west the more killings of natives happened. Sure practically in those times everyone was killing eachother but the killing done by the early settlers wasn't done only in defense it was just done to wipe out as much of the native Americans as possible and to force christianity as the only religion, and for those natives who cooperated and walked the trail of tears were left with a much smaller place to live on reservations, hopefully now a days natives are able to be welcomed back into living with communities and people anywhere in America they would like but back in the east and southern part of America things weren't really any better, as more of the world was trading spices and foods, slaves were also a hot commodity being sold from africa to buyers in America the descendants of settlers at this point needed workers to do work for them so they used the slaves they shipped from Africa as their tools to do the job, technically the settlers could have listened to the bible and treated the ones they bought as slaves, as well as their fellow neighbors, yknow equally, but not really, same ones that also went to church every Sunday even took their children to go see a run away slave get hanged in the middle of town and most female slaves that were at a age to bare children had their own children taken from them. But sense those slave owners decided that white people are "superior" compared to ones that are born black, that mentality stuck with the descendants of those slave owners and have become passed down to further generations. Which now brings us up to present day sundown towns. Which makes you think sundown towns don't have anything to do with believing in God, well it's really contradicting when you have a town of people that are actively excluding groups of people usually people of color from their towns which you have to remember murdering and m forcing people away still go against the bible. Honestly I really didn't think former slaves would decide to believe in the same God as their slave owners believed in but that is where we are now the descendants of the oppressed through out history have united to live with the oppressors descendants sure eventually we can all look past the tragic history, and the racism and learn that what makes a community, town or city truly great is by doing what's right. But learning the true raw details of history and the lesson of bringing unity first before division is something that has to be taught to young ones anywhere, especially in america if you're supporting people who want to change and exclude that from being taught then you're not in support of a better future, you're only in support of the distant past we worked hard to improve from.00 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
- 1 mo
Yes, I do... Or Gods, I am not clear on that.
I reject 'Organised Religion' and I got plenty of reasons to explain why... but I will not resort to that now.
I am, if anything, a Deist:
Deism is the philosophical position and rationalistic theology that generally rejects revelation as a source of divine knowledge and asserts that empirical reason and observation of the natural world are exclusively logical, reliable, and sufficient to determine the existence of a Supreme Being as the creator of the universe. More simply stated, Deism is the belief in the existence of God (often, but not necessarily, a God who does not intervene in the universe after creating it), solely based on rational thought without any reliance on revealed religions or religious authority. Deism emphasizes the concept of natural theology—that is, God's existence is revealed through nature."
I came across this a little while ago on Quora, and it gives a good explanation in my opinion:
"A deist is a person that believes in a Creator of the universe, and in English we use the term “God” to label said Creator. Other languages will have a different term (Hebrew = Elohim, Arabic = Allah, Latin = Deus, etc.) so don’t get hung up on the name. Focus on the concept. From this point forward I will use the term “God” since English is my primary language.
God is seen as the creator/designer of all that exists in the universe. Nuclear fusion, gravity, thermodynamics, evolution, life, laws of nature, etc. However, it is important to understand that the deistic concept of God has nothing to do with any religion, holy book, or divine revelation. The Abrahamic version of God is too small in scale and scope. Earth’s biggest religions were invented by people prior to the development of telescopes and microscopes. We know that Earth is not the only planet, it is not the centre of creation, and humans are not the pinnacle of creation. We’ve known that since Galileo pointed a telescope at the night sky and saw the Rings of Saturn.
So if deists reject organized religion and holy books, then why do they believe in God? Valid question and here’s the answer: because we choose to! I know what you are thinking, so I’ll dive into this further. Deists tend to study nature and/or the cosmos through observation, personal experience and science. We see design in the world around us as well as throughout the universe. There are far too many things that are too complex to have just happened randomly. For example:
-DNA. This little seed of life is so mind boggling complex, that many geneticists have stated that it had to be designed. There’s no way that star dust and elements came together, threw in some heat and just created DNA.
-The complexity of life itself. Physicists have calculated that the odds of life forming randomly on Earth are 1 in 10 to the 40th power (some say 45). That is 1 in 10 with 40 zeroes behind it! For all practical purposes, an impossible task…yet here we are.
-Evolution (which I accept). While evolution appears to happen naturally over LONG periods of time, there are elements of evolution that would require some intervention. Take eyeballs and sight, for example. How and why would organisms from billions of years ago, develop sight? The theory is that eyeballs and sight developed as those organisms mutated in order to find sunlight for survival, but that does not explain WHERE the blueprint came from. What, Mother Nature just made it happen? It seems as if Mother Nature has some divine intelligence to it! Deists tend to think that God created the laws of nature and set everything in motion, and it is those laws that govern things like evolution. God does not need to be steering the ship, so to speak.
As far as rejecting organized religion, deists have come to terms with the massive size of the cosmos. Our Sun is a star, and it has 8 planets in orbit around it (sorry Pluto), and those planets have moons in orbit around them. There are hundreds of billions of stars in our galaxy, the Milky Way. There are hundreds of billions of galaxies in the visible universe. To think that our little mud ball is the only planet with life is just absurd. Our problem is that we are mere infants when it comes to space exploration. We lack the technology to go beyond our little single star solar system.
Earth based religions tend to be geocentric. That means that Earth is viewed as the centre of creation. Back in the day, that belief made sense because you would stand on the ground, look at the sky and it appeared as if the Sun, Moon and stars revolved around the Earth. We now know that those other astral bodies “move around” our planet because the Earth rotates. The Sun rises in the east and sets in the west because the Earth is spinning counter clockwise. Once geocentricity was proven false via telescopes (thanks Galileo!), religions had to take a step back and do some serious belief alterations.
Not to mention that many religions, especially those with Abrahamic origins, are so blatantly obvious male chauvinistic. Men are superior and women are inferior. Women can’t teach men or talk at Temple. Women don’t need an education and are expected to be submissive to their husbands. Women were viewed as property. Barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen…what a load of shit! Only a group of primitive, human males would come up with that nonsense!
Deists do not proselytize or throw guilt trips around. We don’t use scare tactics and fear mongering. We are respectful to ALL people and want everyone to come together for the betterment of the entire planet. We’re all on “Spaceship Earth” as the human race, and should be united toward our future. Do we pray? Some of us do, but it’s not to ask for something. We just give thanks for life. Do we believe in an afterlife? Some of us do, but we know that nothing can be proven beyond death, so we try to live morally and hope for the best. Meanwhile, enjoy life!
One last thing…many scientists (and numerous atheists) now believe that invisible dark energy permeates the universe, while rejecting an invisible God that is omnipresent (oh, the hypocrisy!). Deists do not think of God as an immortal human, complete with male anatomy. God is not some Big Sky Daddy. If anything, God would be some type of incorporeal force of nature…perhaps energy. If that dark energy does exist, and it has some type of transcendent intelligence, that would be the very deistic concept of God! Sorry atheists…"00 Reply
Yes, I believe in God! I believe in him because even though I haven't seen his physical body, I have seen him working in my life! I see him in almost everything! He created the world, no matter who likes to believe it or not, he is the creator of this universe. I believe in him because He has changed soooo many lives. I have watched people go from broken, hopeless and feeling defeated, to joyous, happy, and living such amazing fulfilling lives. I have seen people have peace that passed ALL understanding when they trusted in God. I have seen his mighty hand do miricales when it looked like no miricale could be done. When things looked hopeless, he was there. When life was horrible he was there. When I've seen people feel like giving up, he was there. It only takes yet but a small amount of faith to move mountains as the Bible says. Not literal mountains, but I like to think of these mountains as the storms and mountains of problems we face in life. Without Faith it is impossible to please the Lord. He wants us to trust in Him no matter what and he promises to take care of the rest for us. I know that some people do not believe in God, or have a hard time believing in God. I DO NOT believe that people always never believed in God, but that everyone is born with the knowledge that he DOES IN FACT exist. Everyone has the knowledge of him. What causes people to stop believing is the things they go through, they feel God wasn't there for them, and therefore, of he wasn't there, maybe it's because he isn't real they think. No, though, that isn't the case. God Is real. Sometimes we go through bad things to make us stronger, or to build character. Also too, God gave us the Bible for a reason, and when we disobey his commands, that's what causes pretty much all the problems in our life. For example, God says to not drink, when we do, it messes up our thinking, and there have been so many problems that could have been avoided if people didn't drink. There are certain things in the Bible that the government has chosen to not follow and go against, therefore causing more problems for people. Sin should be dealt with. Rapists, murders, child molesters, thieves and so many other criminals don't get the punishments they deserve, and God said how to prevent these people from running rampid. Unfortunately though, because American has strayed so far from God, he's being taken out of everything, people aren't fearing him hardly anymore like they should, sin runs wild. Problems run wild, then we want to blame God for problems that could have been prevented if we stopped sinning. God wants to be in our life, he wants to help us, but if we actually sit back and think, we push him out more than we let him in. Then when we are in trouble want him to help us. But at that point, he lets us learn on our own. He lets us face some heartache to realize, we need him more than ever! So you see, I believe in God, it wasn't that long ago that more people actually believed in God and honoured him, more people went to church, actually worshipped him. Now what do we see, churches closing down, having less and less service times. Changing service times from sermons that people actually need to hear, to fun centers. Doing activities instead of reading the Bible. Having games for kids, and activities instead of actually teaching them the Bible. I've seen it happen to so many churches, and the kids go off to the world. They aren't being taught how important God really is, and why we really need him in our life. Look at people who don't God in their life, verses those who do and actually follow the Bible. There's a big difference. So yes, I believe in God and always will
42 Reply- 1 mo
Also to add, those who do not believe in God what do they gain from not believing in him? But if us God believing people are right, then what do we gain? ETERNAL LIFE. What do those who don't believe in God lose then if they're wrong? Eternal life.
If God isn't real, then all Christians faith is in vain, but the amount of faith that it takes for people to have to not believe God exists, is the same amount of faith they need to believe God exists. If God isn't real, then why is there joy in this earth? If God isn't real, how is it that a Christian, or martyrs that we see dying for Christ, can do that? Are they really dying for something that isn't real? No, they can stand before their enemy, the one that is killing them for their beliefs, and take it all, with joy even, with so much peace, because they KNOW they have a HOPE, they can actually feel good about dying, because that's how REAL GOD IS. HE can set such a hope and peace in our life, that WILL PASS ALL understanding. These people see martyrs dying for the cause of Christ and they just don't understand how these people can die in peace. Because they are missing that amazing gift, that peace. - 1 mo
God is yourself. So whatever you believe feels 100% correct to you.
Keep in mind that the majority of "martyrs" these days aren't dying for Christ. They are dying in the name of Islam. And they they feel what they believe in is 100% correct, so they murder "infidels" while committing suicide. Why? Because everyone thinks they know "The Truth." But the only truth you know is yourself via your brain. And sadly, most people have broken, malfunctioning brains.
I have a theory that yes there is "a God" but just not in the form and idea that we humans understand or visualise.
I am wondering if the planet Earth is actually God. It makes sense to me. So just like trees and plants can "feel" and "communicate" but in a different way to us I believe God is like this. Very far from any human concept. The planet created life. The planet is mysterious. The planet can have violent rages. Sometimes in retaliation for how we hurt it. And humans always say how at one they feel with nature. How connected if we walk bare footed on the land.
It's something I have been thinking about philosophically...
12 Reply- 1 mo
I've just posted an 'Opinion' which mentions 'Deism'... Maybe that's something which matches your views.
What Girls & Guys Said
- 1 mo
I believe in Jehovah because I've had many problems in life and when I cried out to him, he answered me. I have told him to let me die many times but he hasn't and I am grateful. I know that I am not perfect and still have plenty of growing to do but he is patient and faithful.
11 Reply - 1 mo
Yes as a kid, because adults said god is real.
Now because logic makes god a logical necessity.
In fact even the most extreme DOUBTER descart who doubted if anyone even existed
He was the one not doubt god, but wrote a detailed proof that god existence is as CERTAIN as "2,4,6 are even numbers.".
10 Reply - 1 mo
Yes I do. And quite frankly... I walk in opposition to him. I keep half of the commandments like "Thou shall not steal and thou shall not kill, thou shall not bear false witness (lying)" But some things he does I just don't agree with.
18 Reply- 1 mo
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- 1 mo
If the bastard existed, I wouldn't have to choose between soap and bread. But he doesn't exist, and we have to manage our lives ourselves as best as we can. Or as worst. So, soap or bread?
20 Reply 639 opinions shared on Religion & Spirituality topic. I'd sooner believe in the Dandy and Beano comics... At least they're real... Unlike all this other load of complete and utter fucking Bollox.
213 Reply- 1 mo
Well I'll tell you. All you atheist fall all over me as tho it's my responsibility to prove God's existence to you. First, you criticize the act of believing as tho that's an exceptable form of behavior, then expect proof from me in order for me to carry on. Why can't you people keep your fucked up remarks about fairy tales and shit to yourselves? Huh? Do you not have any idea what it feels like to come home from church feeling peaceful and happy only to be smacked in the face with smart-ass remarks belittling the Creator that you know exists because he showed you? Nah, of course you don't. And after all is said and done, it's you who will be in hell while I enjoy paradise. Shit!!😡
- 1 mo
I’ve honestly tried my best to believe but it’s something I couldn’t find faith in myself to believe their existence. I’m a little disappointed because I love the idea of angels watching over us and ancestors keeping an eye on us.06 Reply- 1 mo
God has never proven his existence to the world. He hasn’t cured cancer. He hasn’t given us world peace. He hasn’t clarified himself to religions and belief systems. All of which would be EFFORTLESS for him to do.
I can’t just pretend to have faith. - 1 mo
What I will not ever do is force my belief onto others. People are allowed to believe what they wanna believe and I can absolutely respect them for it.
- 1 mo
I understand how you feel, but he HAS cured cancer, sure maybe some people die from it, but I have seen my friends pray and pray and God healed them! My friends mom had really bad cancer, near death, she's cancer free now. And he tried to give us world peace. That's why he gave us the Bible. But people push him out of their lives, they don't want to believe in his existence therefore that is the reason we are in the mess were in. Just think, back when more and more people went to church and actually believed in God, and they actually followed the Bible, the government actually had laws according to the Bible, the world was a better place. I've talked to older people, and they agree. Now, what do we see, lots of atheists, God hating people, hardly anyone fears God these days, they think they can just sin, and no biggie. But that's the problem with America. The problem with it is that nobody wants to actually think about it. People want to push God out of their life, yet they then want to blame him when everything goes bad. People say " Gods not there", but yes he is. God is always there us, through the good and bad, the problem is he is waiting for us to actually want him into our life.
- 1 mo
He never forces us to do anything against our will. Not ever. He wants us to believe on our own. We can't blame God for anything when we are the one to push him out of our life. How can we honestly say, "God hasn't given the world peace" when we refuse to even asknowledge his existence?
Not exactly in the way other people believe, and it is not exactly a belief. It is a thought I enjoy entertaining from time to time and it has nothing to do with any form of human-made religion.
00 Reply- 1 mo
No, there are no gods. Never have been. As Descartes says…. if god wasn’t real it would be necessary for man to invent him.
10 Reply - 1 mo
I do not believe in god because people who believe in god are schizophrenic
39 Reply- 1 mo
@coxoabean there is no god nor are there angels or demons
- 28 d
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It’s hard for me to believe because I have never seen anything in my life that really convinced me God is real.
00 ReplyYeah. My question is do you have to believe in say gravity or does the force prove its existence.
I've had the existence of God proven to me many times so I have to believe He is.23 Reply- 1 mo
That's crap, Dongie! It was the Big Bang Theory!
I like your gravity example, but also, have you ever seen electricity?
1K opinions shared on Religion & Spirituality topic. I do. Because G0d created everything. And I know that on faith.
20 ReplyYup. Because He's revealed Himself to me throughout my life.
10 Reply3.2K opinions shared on Religion & Spirituality topic. Yes. Because only God can create banal people like you, who cannot use search to ask something original.
00 Reply- 1 mo
I believe we were created by a God, but not necessarily the God in the Bible. I'm more so a Deist, not a Christian.
00 Reply 395 opinions shared on Religion & Spirituality topic. No, because I have seen no claim of a god that required magic to produce.
139 Reply- 1 mo
Your right, God doesn't do major, He does Miracles. He works in peoples lives, that is the "magic" you say you need to see to believe. But yet, even if you did see the red sea part, when Moses held his staff over the water. Or saw Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego after they had been in the fiery furnace for not bowing down to a idol, they came out of that furnace untouched, not even smelling like fire, or having a hair on their head burned, or if you saw Daniel after he had spent a night in the lions den, and was unharmed, or saw Gideon, or even Jesus turn the water into wine, and do all the miricales he did. Would you really even believe them? Because Pharaoh got to see the miricales of God for several days straight, yet he still didn't believe
- 1 mo
Magic is done by witches and wizards. That's what the devil does. It is the devil's "powers" to mimic the Lord's powers. Every time God does something or makes something, the devil makes something similar, and tries to make it look good, so as to trick and deceive people. The Bible actually speaks against magic, as it is not good. Miricales are good, a special event or a special sign that indicates something beyond itself. The word miricale comes from the Latin miraculum “object of wonder."
A miricale is done by God, the work of God and it is an event that cannot be explained other than the fact that God could do it. It is an event that occured when things seemed impossible. They are different - 1 mo
No, not true. Magic is real. You just must have not seen any. Now I'm NOT saying to go look for magic, because it's bad. A Miricale though, maybe you should pray for one and you'd see one. God's not doing magic, witches and the devil's little minions are, but God is doing miracles and his work
- 1 mo
I know people who have seen witches. There are literally witches in Mexico where my dad grew up. Brujas as they call them. One lady she would go hang out in the tree with her other witch friend, and then they would fly away. They had wings like an eagles. They were huge wings. So, magic is real. Are you referring to magic done by witches or miricales? Because I have seen miricales. I've never dabbled in magic because it's wicked and of the devil, that's why I haven't seen it, but I have seen witches
- 1 mo
Well, how am i supposed to show you magic? Just zap through your screen? I'm not that Looney, it's very unwise to dabble with magic. I can tell you this, you may feel or think God's not real, because maybe you have pushed him out of your life. Have you ever thought of that? Have you given him a chance to ever prove himself to you?
- 1 mo
Oh, also, I'd advise against calling it looney as you're the one who believes it is possible. If even a mustard seed of energy can be reliably created with magic then literally everything in the universe can. That's the imbalance you are subscribing to by believing in divine magic. I shouldn't have to ask you to show me an example as it should be apparent everywhere. But everywhere we look it's the same laws of physics, over and over..
And no, I'm desperate to believe but i can't believe something that so obviously benefits the rich with absolutely no proof of the promised payoff in return. The central claim to religion is an afterlife where we all that debt we are owed by the rich for sacrificing our time in this world to make their lives better is finaly paid. Thats magic. If any magic exists at all then an afterlife is likely.
But it doesn't. So, I'm not inclined to treat any person on this planet like they speak for a magical source. I can't say for certian that there is no god. I can say for certian if there is one none of our religions have correctly guessed its nature because they haven't even tried. - 1 mo
No they are not the same. Miricales happen every single day! You are just choosing to not see it, not believe it. One miricale is that we are still here, yet do not deserve to be, that Christ shed his blood, even tho he was innocent and without sin, he shed his blood for you and me so that we wouldn't have to suffer in hell for all eternity. Even tho we don't deserve his love, he still chooses to love us daily and give us grace. His redeeming love has never failed, and he loves those who don't deserve his love. He punished sin, but understands we would never make it to heaven without him, so he made a way for us to be saved. All we have to do is believe that what he did in the cross, that was enough to pay for our sins. That any sin you've ever done or I've ever done, he covered for it by his blood if we are willing to believe
- 1 mo
If you believe you can have eternal life. That is miricale. Another miricale is that he rose from the dead. If you wanted "proof" of God's existence, for him to show you in some "magical" way, would that then be faith? No. Do you have kids? If so, would you want your kids to trust that you love them and will provide for them, or do you want them to grow up, not believing that you will take care of them or love them, yet you do, and you try so hard to take care of them.. yet, they do not believe you and refuse to call you their parent. You take care of them, have done so well because they are still alive and healthy and well, you do special things for them,, yet they refuse to see the good you do for them, and because you aren't giving them some "magical" proof, or what they want all the time, they will not believe you, or choose to love you. That is the same thing you are doing to God.
- 1 mo
All I can do is tell you miricales I've seen. I'm the miricale, your the miricale, life is the miricale. Fine, you want a miricale, you want to see one, go outside, for a walk, find a place with lots of trees, go for a hike, it find a tall mountain, something high to stand on where you can see a beautiful view, them look at everything, look at the sun shining over everything, the sky so blue, the birds in the sky, the trees that give you oxygen, the soil that allows did to grow so you can eat, the animals that give you food as well, the bed that give you honey, the flys, and ants, voltures that help clean up the earth. The water that helps provide you life, the clouds that at times give us reason, so that plants can keep growing and life can go on. That's the miricale! That's GOD'S proof, because he could say any second stop it all, and we would all die in a heartbeat. You give God NO credit, when you can literally look around and see that everything has a purpose, and without all these things there would be NO LIFE
- 1 mo
I'm not saying it's magic, magic Is Not a miracle. It isn't. Magic is what the devil invented for him and his minions to deceive you and everyone. Miricales are from God. You know, maybe you should do some of your own research, go to different churches, Good Baptist Churches, find some Christians, get some Christian books, and read them. You won't believe a stranger on the Internet. Ok. Then go find someone you can talk to in person, face to face with. And then ask them what a miricale is, ask them how they know God is real, ask them if they have had any miricales happen in their life, not magic, Miricales. I strongly encourage you to do that. Because I know without a doubt you WILL see how real God IS then!
- 1 mo
No, a miracle is in defiance of the laws of physics. Limiting a god to things we can't explain is called "the God of the gaps" and the problem with that is we keep coming up with explanations and religious people tend to burn people at the stake for doing that. Maybe if religion made people nicer I'd be inclined to think there might be something to it but instead it has churned out the nastiest bunch of spite-driven people I have ever had to deal with.
- 1 mo
I don't know what kind of Christians you are meeting, but that isn't true. You know there are thousands of religions in this world right, yet they all mostly claim to be Christian. But they aren't. A Christian is someone who has accepted Christ into their heart to save them. And most people haven't done that, as they don't believe. A Christian is a follower of Christ. Lots of people will claim to be Christian and that is why we shouldn't just slap the name Christian on everything unless we truly are. That is why God has the rules he has. So as to avoid making him look bad and turning people away from him. He cares about you sm, and everyone. And a miricale is something that goes against nature, yet cannot be explained. What God does, goes against nature, what we want to do, or see naturally. You naturally don't want to love someone who has wronged you, yet, God loves those who have wronged him. You naturally want to repay someone the bad they did to you, yet God wants to be long-suffering. So, miricales are inexplicable. They cannot be explained. We cannot fathom nor even begin to describe the Love and mercy God has for us. I am trying to tell you, THATS THE MIRICALE. it really is! Like I said, I strongly encourage you to try and research it. I think you'd find that maybe just maybe, you aren't right, that God IS real.
- 1 mo
Without exception, the Christians I've met are only in it to be an unimpeachable moral authority and to lay claim to a narrative of persecution. And before you say something like "well, no one is flawless" you can be flawed without trying to tell people how to live their lives.
And once again there are normal explanations to everything you just called a miracle. - 1 mo
Also, there are Christians who live people and are good. They pray for others, and help people, actually care about people. Then there are bad people who try to sneak in and pretend to be Christian when they aren't. They are rather pray. But they put on a show. That doesn't make them Christian tho and they're not. Like I said that is why God has told us how to be and what to look out for. The Bible KJv Bible is a miricale. Did you know it was written way before Jesus was even born (some parts of it were, then the rest during his time and some after) and it is still with us today! God promised to preserve his word and he has. It is the only book without error. It has prophecy in it. Things that not even the government could know would happen, or most people don't know will happen, are in the Bible, yet everyday, the things that go on in this life, events, prove the Bible everyday. Showing God is real.
- 1 mo
Most religions believe the same thing, and that is you must DO to get to heaven, but then their is the ones that believe it is DONE.
I encourage you to at least give this a try and pls listen to it
I don't believe in God, I believe God. The difference is subtle but. significant
10 Reply- 1 mo
I beleive the new testament view… God is and God is love.
00 Reply 2.2K opinions shared on Religion & Spirituality topic. I’ve answered this many times and no. The reason is that I have never heard a rational argument supporting the existence of god and I have just about heard every argument.
00 Reply- 1 mo
No. Because it doesn't exist and there's no proof that it exists.
10 Reply Yes I believe in God I am a follower of Jesus Christ I believe that Jesus was crucified for my sins and rose from the dead 3 days later
00 Reply- 1 mo
i do not believe in god, because god doesn't evidently exist.
00 Reply - 1 mo
Yes, I believe in God the creator. It's faith I admit.
00 Reply No. Never seen any proof to make me believe.
114 Reply- 1 mo
@coxoabean lol your “god” has never presented himself to the world, that’s the only proof that would mean anything
- 1 mo
@coxoabean yeah I was born atheist, like everyone, so no, people are not "born with the knowledge of god". In thousands of years of human civilisation, no one has EVER definitively proved god exists. While we're on the topic, which of the thousands of gods do you believe in? And why is yours more real than any other?
- 1 mo
Oooh, you are as wrong as can be. Jesus came here. God came here many times and walked with Adam. There is but one God. Others are false, god, many are fallen angels. Jesus came to me as a very young child still in a crib. I could tell you things while wearing a lie-detectors kit but you still wouldn't believe. You will not believe until your fate is set and he'll you'll have.
- 1 mo
I believe in the God of Abraham and Isaac, the only one that exists. Jehovah, Emmanuel, Messiah. I know he is the only and real God because I've studied and learned. Look at all the gods of the other religions, they require you to follow their law or do stuff that is impossible to even get to go to "heaven". Yet, we can't be good enough on our own to get to heaven. Their gods are statues and other stuff like that. Because all the other "gods" are still in their tomb, yet Jesus there were many witnesses that saw him be crucified then they saw him after he arose from the dead. He is the only one to not be in his tomb.
- 1 mo
I know he is the only true God because I have seen atheists go from unbelievers to believing. Because you know why, the word of God is Soo powerful. It really is. The Bible, God promised to preserve throughout the years, some books in the Bible was written thousands of years ago, yet we still have the book today! God had promised to preserve his word and he did. I know God is real because I read the Bible and pray and see God work. You should look up Lee Strobel
- 28 d
@coxoabean No because I know that the brain produces consciousness and when my brain shuts down that's the end of me experiencing things. And there's no reason to think any gods are real given they are a completely man made concept, dreamt up by the ancients to explain things they didn't understand, and in some cases ward off fear of death and the unknown.
No, I don’t see compelling evidence to support the god hypothesis
00 ReplyI believe in God, but I don't believe in the God that people create themselves.
00 Reply- Anonymous(18-24)1 mo
I believe in everything a little bit so I won’t go to hell
00 Reply - 1 mo
Yes, I believe in God.
20 Reply Yes I believe in God.
10 Reply- 1 mo
No as I see no reason to believe in such a thing
00 Reply - 1 mo
Yes I do.
20 Reply 3K opinions shared on Religion & Spirituality topic. I believe in several
00 Reply692 opinions shared on Religion & Spirituality topic. No, common sense
00 ReplyNope
10 Reply
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