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myTakes: Religion & Spirituality

How I understand the honey in the bible - Real Christian talk

Some people have spent years trying to figure out what honey was a symbol of They may have finally concluded it is a symbol for pleasure The bible says if you eat too much honey you will vomit which is true about neatly...

How Does Religion Affect Relationships?

Any relationship is built on trust and love, but religion provides an undeniable bond between two people. Interestingly, most people consider religion to be of significant importance, ensuring their partner has similar...

Why I don't think children should be taught religion at school

A lot of reality is as yet unexplained. However, there is no reason to fill gaps in the understanding of our universe with nonsensical and baseless non-explanations such as "its because god did it". Even worse to say;...

How to get what you want from life

I have recently watched a video talking about law of attraction and how to use it. The saying ask and you shall receive is true but not the way you expect. To ask isn't to verbally or even mentally ask it's to FEEL AS IF...

Not The Same God?

INTRO Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all are derived or partially derived from the Abrahamic tradition. This has caused a lot of confusion in our age of relativism. Many Christians, Muslims or Jews might say something...

The West - In desperate need of Muscular Christianity!

Muscular Christianity is a philosophical movement that originated in England in the mid-19th century, characterized by a belief in patriotic duty, discipline, self-sacrifice, manliness, and the moral and physical beauty...

Why does God allow evil things to happen?

Where does evil come from? Every time I came across this question, I always wanted to have an answer, always actually wanted an answer because it doesn't make sense... Why wouldn't it? I mean a lot people have a wrong...

One story of love and death from one past life all time ago.

I make this mytake due to some request. You can think about it whatever you want if you are going to read it. Think about it like fiction, like dream. I don't know. It'll make me very nostalgic, I'll make it short, I...

The many joys of Easter

I will discuss how Easter has many joys and sadly since 3 days ago, my state was ordered not to hold services as of April 7th 2020 when it got set. Easter 2020 is Sunday, April 12th. Eggs We all know that people like...

In what sense Atheists "can" be considered religious.

so i am an atheist and i constantly hear christians insinuate that atheism is a religion. which is of course wrong because atheism is merely a conviction. convictions are not a religion. i also rejected this insinuation...

The gift of singleness

As a 34 year old, I often had problems coming to terms with being single. I have always been single since I was a kid. I had friends who were the opposite sex but they were just friends and never liked me more than a...

How a life philosophy is formed and why you are free to change them.

Just a reflection that might be interesting, held with not much details briefly sketching the main ideas, so the rest you'd have to figure out by yourself, if you want to. (Warning: that could induce by you thoughts,...

5 Remnant Christian movies and what I like about each with a few reported criticisms from others

I will go into discussing different Christian movies that I think are powerful and what I like about each. Fireproof (2008) This was about a man who was having trouble in his...

Having a heart may not be a good thing

From the time I can remember I was taught to help others. To always give. That by doing good you will be rewarded. What happens when your kindness or your heart and your duty to be honorable causes you to suffer?...

2 things that dreams do that almost surely proves a spiritual world exist

I will discuss 2 things that happens in dreams that I think is virtually complete proof that we enter a spiritual world during dreams.

The seen world (universe, also known as physical realm) versus the unseen world (spiritual realm) and why each matters

I will discuss the 2 different realms: physical and spiritual, and discuss why each realm matters. Physical Once we are conceived, we have an existence that we must use. It is up to us to use our existence wisely by...

Jesus always provides when you need him the most!

I wrote a previous myTake "The latest issues in Australia show one thing. We need to learn about respect!" and had comments that really hurt me. Being a Christian I definitely know that we have beliefs that society don't...

The spiritual essence of spiritual creatures in the spiritual realm and why they are stronger and more intelligent than humans living in natural world

I want to discuss the natural world and the spiritual world and how each wars against each other and why we as natural creatures are weaker and less intelligent than the creatures living in the spiritual world. This will...

Why objective morality is proven using the Copernican Principle and how to easily defeat the subjective morality followers cultic teachings

I will discuss how we definitely know that objective morality is true and subjective morality is false. I will cover 4 contingent grounds that back up the morality.

More on the Existence of God and Free Moral Agency. Not for the Intellectually faint-hearted

Since I have mentioned some of these arguments elsewhere in the past several days, I am going to consolidate them into a single 20,000 character post, assuming I don't run out of space. I think I'm required to post a...