The many joys of Easter


I will discuss how Easter has many joys and sadly since 3 days ago, my state was ordered not to hold services as of April 7th 2020 when it got set. Easter 2020 is Sunday, April 12th.


We all know that people like Easter egg hunting and often enjoy spending an entire Saturday before Easter setting this up for the children. This is usually from about 1 to 3 pm but most have this near or at a church.

The many joys of Easter


Plenty of people look forward to opening their Easter baskets. While this is usually for children, adults can receive some too. I think many people like the skittles and other candies from them and enjoys seeing others celebrate it that way.

The many joys of Easter


While there won't be Easter 2020 services in person and will be online only, there won't be a need to dress up for Easter. However, some people still may be going off with family and holding services more privately and you may see a few dressed up for it.

The many joys of Easter

Resurrection of Jesus

This is a day that people who don't worship the Lord hates hearing about because it is a reminder to them that Jesus won the victories for our salvation but it is up to us to accept that. Also, Satan hates this reminder as he knows death was defeated.

The many joys of Easter


The secular emblem of Easter is about bunnies. This is often the animal they show on Easter cards, candy and commercials. People think that bunnies are a good association with Easter. So through the years, they've stuck with it.

The many joys of Easter


While these are the joys of Easter, there will be miseries for Easter 2020 as it can't be fully celebrated this year in churches anywhere in the world. Thanks for reading and please share!

The many joys of Easter
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