Not The Same God?



Not The Same God?

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all are derived or partially derived from the Abrahamic tradition. This has caused a lot of confusion in our age of relativism. Many Christians, Muslims or Jews might say something like "We all worship the same God." Nothing could be further from the truth. In this MyTake I will explain why that is. I also want to put a disclaimer, I am Catholic, this is my understanding of why Christians, Jews and Muslims worship different Gods. I will try and be as objective as I possibly can. If you know something, I didn't mention in this MyTake about Islam, Judaism or Christianity please comment below. Thank you.


Christians worship Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is God, more specifically he is one aspect or divine person of a trinitarian God. Christians worship One God, in three divine persons, The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. The trinity makes Christianity distinct from Islam and Judaism. But why does this mean we worship different Gods? Because The Son, Jesus Christ, is God. Both Muslims and Jews reject this and thus do not worship the same God. To deny this divine person, is to deny God in all three aspects.

The Holy Spirit, The Father, and The Son
The Holy Spirit, The Father, and The Son


Jews, worship Yahweh. Yahweh is there National God, Yahweh is the God of their ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Jews also believe that their God is Transcendent, absolute, indivisible(Contrary to trinitarian thought). Everything emanates from Yahweh and although he is transcendent he can interact with man directly. Ethnicity is fundamental to Jewish belief. Another aspect that makes the Jewish God distinct from the Christian God is the rejection of Jesus Christ as their Messiah.

God freed the Jews from Egypt and gave them a Covenant known as the Mosaic Covenant.
God freed the Jews from Egypt and gave them a Covenant known as the Mosaic Covenant.


Muslims worship God, and refer to him in Arabic as Allah. Muslims also will invoke many other names to refer to the different qualities of God. To Muslims Allah is One, Absolute, All powerful, and All encompassing ruler of the Universe. They call this all encompassing and unique oneness,Tawhid. Muslims do follow and incorporate many stories of the abrahamic tradition and they also incorporate Jesus Christ and some of his teaching in their faith. Jesus Christ, to Muslims was a prophet. Its important to note that Muslims do not worship their prophets. Like Jews, Muslims reject the trinity which in turn makes them reject the Christian conception of God.

Not The Same God?


The fundamental difference between each faith is that they all conceive of God differently. It appears to me that Islam and Judaism have a more similar understanding of God because they reject the trinity. The thing that differentiates Islam and Judaism is that Jews view themselves as God's chosen. They have a nationalistic understanding of God and its tied to their ancestry. This is not the case in Islam or Christianity.


I am happy that you read this far. If you are Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Atheist, or any other faith please discuss what makes your faith unique and distinct. I understand that there are a multitude of differences between the faiths. Also if I missed any important details about your faith please mention them below. If you think I was unfair, or inaccurate in my descriptions please let me know.

Not The Same God?
17 Opinion