
Search Results: he is younger then me

Walked into the men’s room at Target yesterday and a young female employee was in there washing her hands?

I had to use the bathroom after shopping at target yesterday. When I walked in the men’s room I immediately saw a young female employee washing her hands at the counter top. I froze in my tracks and started to walk out...
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Why do older women get arrogant when dating young men?

I know feminist are gonna argue and compare it with men dating younger, but it’s really not the same thing. Older men who date younger women are successful, rich, high status etc. And have the young girl to show for it....
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Should young men start subscribing to the mentality that women are disposable and replaceable?

With so many options available to women, many young girls have the mindset that men are replaceable. They will flake on you if another guy gives her a better offer even if she made a promise to go on date. They will dump...
With so many options available to women, many young girls have the mindset that men are replaceable. They will flake on you if another guy gives her a better offer even if she made a Show More
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Do you prefer 90s fashion over the modern fashion that the young people wear now?

To me, I like the way people wore their fashion back then with such uniqueness and style with it. It was probably the times when it was out with celebrities and regular people but I admire it more than today cause some...
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Are young women generally happy in modern society given the fewer men are approaching them along with the bombardment of social media?

A few nights ago I had a good conversation with a Uber driver on my ride home after listening to some live Christmas music downtown. I honestly was depressed I couldn’t find a girl to go with me. But it’s a personal...
A few nights ago I had a good conversation with a Uber driver on my ride home after listening to some live Christmas music downtown. I honestly was depressed I couldn’t find a girl to Show More
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* Does Birth Control create very angry and bitter young ladies?

- Abortion’s obviously part of it, but they’ve been sold a lie through culture, through media, through even some of their parents that you basically have to go pursue this corporate trajectory, and that men are always the...
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Older women dating younger men?

I am 21 years old, and I'm attractive to all kinds of women, my age range and even older then me, I don't know but just the thought that she is older then me, it turns me on, even if she's a year older then me lolz. So I...
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Am I the only younger woman who is disgusted by older men?

I guess I should clarify. I'm disgusted by the situation of older men leaving older women specifically for younger women, in overwhelming numbers. Or the situation of older men only seeking younger women for potential...
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Girls, Are you more attracted to older guys, younger guys (or younger "boys" if you're a teenager), or guys the same age as you?

And if your answer is just "older guys", then why? For me the answer has always been all three of those (like, during my teen years, I had a crush on a boy that was only two years younger than me). And if you're a...
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What do you think about young teenie girls who are pressured to act more more mature than boys their age? Is this a tactic to groom young girls?

I have never ever believed in the bullshit that girls mature earlier than boys. There is no scientific evidence for this. This is just a pedo tactic to groom young naive girls. They just want young girls feel mature so...
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Why does the "cougar" stereotype of older women who date younger men persist so strongly when almost none of it is true?

As a woman engaged to a significantly younger man (I'm 42, he's 26) I get super annoyed whenever someone calls me a 'cougar'. The term 'cougar' implies a lot of stereotypes I've found to be mostly (or almost entirely)...
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Why does my younger brother keeps teasing me about my single status?

My younger brother keeps teasing me about my single status. Him and his wife doesn’t know I stop looking for potential girlfriends but when I was looking they knew I have a very hard time looking for a Woman. My younger...
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Older men dating younger women vs. older women dating younger men, is there a difference?

Do you think men are more able to have a successful relationship with women who is significantly (10+ years) younger than them than women who date guys significantly (10+ years) younger than them? Inspired by this...
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Why do older women (24+) falsely accuse men who want to date younger women (18-23) of wanting to manipulate them?

So here is a common discourse I have come across in the internet (predominantly feminist spaces). It is that men who want to date younger women (18-23) want to control said women. I will say that this couldn't be further...
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Are you shocked when someone much older/younger than you rejects you because of your age?

Some people consider age gaps the norm but I dont. Its a turnoff to me and bothers me that dudes much younger/older often hit on me. Like its sad in my opinion that people consider it normal to date someone old enough to...
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I have a dumb crush on a much younger guy at work. He has a crush on me too, but I'm still not sure what to do Advice Please?

I met a man about six months ago that is on a professional committee with me. I thought he was really attractive and nice. My attraction for him grew, but he was dating someone else, I thought he was too young for me (I...
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Why do school dress codes often go overboard in what young women can't wear?

A lot of dress codes in the US and around the world go to great lengths to require girls to be covered up---no thin straps, no skirts anywhere above the knee, the front of shirts must reach the clavicle....and behind...
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Do you think older men wanting younger women and women liking men their age is a problem in the dating world?

I personally think that it is, cause 35 + yo men want the 20-25 women but the thing is that these women tend to want men that are 5-7 years older than them max. Now I’m not talking about the rare couples where the man is...
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Am I weird for falling for a guy 15 years younger than me? If not how do I quit feeling weird about it?

Over the past month and a half I've been dating a guy I'm absolutely smitten with. However, he's also way too young for me (15 years younger). When I went out with him the first time I didn't think things would really go...
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What all did you enjoy playing with when younger?

I had a lot of toys so other kids always came over to play but would fck my room up and then I’d have to clean it up alone. I hated that! But yea, I personally enjoyed — Barbie dolls (polly pocket, my scene, bratz,...
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