
Search Results: she pulled down my shorts

Severe Apathy and not sure what I can do to change it?

I've had a very rough 12 months. I was involved in an incident of workplace bullying around August last year, I reported it and was made to feel even worse by senior management. Long story short, I developed pretty severe...
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Are we becoming more than friends with benefits?

So this guy and I have been hanging out as friends with benefits . We go out to see a movie, dinner and get back to my place and spend the night together. He pays for everything every time, never lets me pay, cuddle a...
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She feels uncomfortable around me?

Hey all. Long story short i met a girl around 6 weeks ago, she came down to see me around 4-5 times since then, we got along really well but she was in a long distance relationship with someone half way up the...
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Good way to strike back after getting pantsed?

After gym today, I was hanging outside the locker room when this b*tch from a grade up ran over and pulled my shorts down. It wouldn't be so bad, except my underwear slid halfway to my knees, and if I'd been slower to...
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:S :S Toilets at festivals and maybe wearing a (Diaper) Nappy?

I am planning on going to Leeds Fest in August and this is my first big festival. :D What I am not looking forward to is the toilet situation... My friend has told me some horror stories about them including people...
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Why are my sister's legs so soft, when mines aren't?

So I've always loved my girlfriend's soft skin... I always wondered why it was so soft, but always just assumed it was good genetics. But my sister came to visit the other day... and we were just sort of playing...
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Girls, have you ever flashed a stranger? or been flashed by a stranger (guys)?

So last night I went to a Halloween party at a friend's house. Long story short, I got super drunk and at like 4 am or something my friend (also super drunk) decided to pull up my shirt down and I wasn't wearing a bra and...
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How do I tell the guy that I slept with that I want to keep seeing him?

Long story short, I met a great guy, went out with him a couple times and we slept together. He’s been calling me babe, baby, holding and kissing my hand, making plans for us to do things together in the future. We went...
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What type of eating, exercises, and equipment do you feel got you the closest to your dream body?

I get that different things work for diff people but list some routines and recommendations. I’ve been slacking forreal but i miss the days of exercising for like 5-6 days a week. People couldnt believe i had such a tiny...
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Do you think he'll ever come back?

Me and my ex went somewhere. We had a great time but he would poke my nipples. I said it was fine because I didn't care about poking if no one was looking. However later that night me and him were in his friends car and...
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If a girl at the club underwear was showing out of her dress would you tell her?

I’m having an anxiety attack bc I was so drunk and my dress was kinda short and it kept riding up as I was dancing around and ringing and people kept looking at my upper thigh area and I could at times feel the wind on my...
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Any advice on this situation?

Alright so this whole scenario came to be because when I was 16, I'd merely glanced over at this guy (20m) for a couple of seconds from across the room. He because too caught up with what I did, and when he saw me a few...
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My girlfriend complains a lot and always has something going wrong and I don’t know what to say without making it worse?

We have been going out about a year, and she would constantly apologize and she told me that friends and exes would get mad at her for how much she complained. I really thought it was just people being assholes, and told...
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Girls, How do you respond when your boyfriend does things that show that he wants sex?

I'm 24 and my boyfriend is 29, we've been dating for two months and he seems like a good man. He treats me well and doesn't force me to do anything I don't want to, he understands my 90 day rule. He's fine doing other...
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Can anyone tell me what's my moms deal?

My mom and I have never had a consistent healthy relationship. She has always been there for me when I'm crying but she's not a good listener where I can express myself. It's always cut short and to the point with her....
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She likes me and I like her but is still healing from her previous relationship. She wants to stay as friends, should I wait for her and stay?

So we met at a friend of mine's wedding and during that time I was introduced to her by her uncle, and so we both exchanged our info's towards the end of the wedding, she was 21 at the time where as I'm 27. I had hit her...
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Do girls really get so nervous that they "sabotage" their chances?

A couple of weeks ago I was hanging out with a girl and some friends. We got some alone time at the end of the night and we were talking. The tension was there and we were looking at each other and smiling, and I started...
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Is my chiropractor a creep?

I need some outside help. My mom and girlfriends believe he is ; but I’d like strangers opinion’s before I make a decision. I was mauled by a dog and my lawyer told me to get a consistent physical therapist/chiropractor....
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What game is this guy playing?

In short, i met this guy about a year and a half ago through mutual friends. We have never been out on a proper date. Back last year we would see each other pretty consistently at parties and clubbing and kissing...
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Is giving each other space a bad thing? Does it mean you no longer love each other and no longer be together? How do I know if he’ll come back?

My boyfriend has been struggling a lot with personal problems, that he won’t even share with me. He said he feels like if he expresses feelings I’ll leave him like everyone else did. Which is not the case, I’ve tried to...
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