
Search Results: How do you really feel about life

What's the worst excuse a new special someone gave you, to get out of your life?

Someone special told me "we have too much in common and we have a great connection, it's like, you are me, but from the opposite gender, and maybe that's why i can't be with you". For me, that just doesn't make any...
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Should I just give up on my life?

You know what? I really feel like my life is wasting away. I really want a family of my own. I Hate having kidney disease, I hate having lupus which started it all. It’s taking away what I want the most and that’s to be...
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Does being pretty, good looking or handsome really matter?

I know that looks don’t really matter in life and that knowledge and how you treat people is very important but some time I feel like looks may matter. for example, if you get a job as a model/modeling. In your opinion,...
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Why is life so weird?

So… At 22, when I only liked blond blue eyed men, I traveled to China for studies and I met a young man I fell in love with, he was Asian and if God really exists, he was the best art created by the God. I fell for him...
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If he has a girlfriend why do I still feel guilty sexting with other guys?

There’s this guy I really like we’ve been talking since before he had a girlfriend so it’s been a few years now. He wanted to date me last year but I was in a relationship myself then. I would still talk to him even...
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I feel like I'm leading him on. What should I do?

I met a guy online and we started messaging each other. We talk a lot. All day, every day. About anything and everything. There is some flirting on both ends. But I just flirt to be playful. I don't know why he flirts,...
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I don't know what guilt and remorse feels like, is this normal?

Over the years, I had to teach myself not to hurt other people's feelings. I had to tell myself not to do it because then I'll get caught, lose friendships and have a bad reputation but not really out of guilt. It's...
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Have some of you been barefoot their whole life?

I'm searching for people who have always been barefoot. I was personally raised barefoot. My parents were sort of hippies and, in the countryside, it's not weird to go barefoot to school. I've never thought about wearing...
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Do you ever feel like we blame the “effect” and give a pass to the “cause?”?

One thing that would happen to me a lot in my time as a bouncer, a football player, and now as a (heavy air quotes) hockey player is people actively disrespecting me, maybe trying to goad me into something, maybe not, but...
One thing that would happen to me a lot in my time as a bouncer, a football player, and now as a (heavy air quotes) hockey player is people actively disrespecting me, maybe trying to Show More
I’ll take The Physical Challenge
It depends
No, the “effect” is wrong
Yes, we blame the “effect” too much
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When you really love someone, would you settle to stay just friends?

My question is simple & open for this discussion of course. You fall in love with a friend of yours, you let them know how you really feel in the last couple of months, but they never thought of you being more than...
My question is simple & open for this discussion of course. You fall in love with a friend of yours, you let them know how you really feel in the last couple of months, but they Show More
4- The same as the 3rd option plus delete their contact number from your phone
3- Tell that person you can't be friends anymore (because it will ruin your future relationship staying friends with someone you have feelings for & that feeling & friendship is causing more harm than good)
2- Stay friends & remove them from social media (so you limit yourself being hurt everytime they post new pictures or something new)
1- Stay friends as normal (even though it's almost impossible thinking about that person as just friends)
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Is this really it? Am I really doomed to live my life as a single, lonely man?

I have had this extremely heavy burden weighing on my shoulders for the longest of time. I am 27 and never had a real girlfriend. I feel my life is over in terms of having a girlfriend, a wife, and a family one day....
I have had this extremely heavy burden weighing on my shoulders for the longest of time. I am 27 and never had a real girlfriend. I feel my life is over in terms of having a Show More
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How do u feel about slut-shaming?

Some girls and even guys get slut-shamed because of their fashion choices, they date a lot of people or simply because they reject a someone... So how do u guys really feel about slut-shaming? I personally think that...
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Does he really love me?

Me and this boy broke up after we were in a situation so rough we decided breaking up would be best since the stress of our home lives were to much to handle on top of a relationship it's been 2 or 3 years we still talk...
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My boyfriend feels lonely?

I'm in a long distance relationship. We're so much in love. We used to be in touch everyday, then it so happened he got stressed out,depressed and wanted to be alone. I understood that and for 4-5 weeks I kept minimum...
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Do people who you couldnt stand or who made your life miserable by their selfish actions (but you kept cordiality with them) ever act happy to run in?

Into you later on? I just ran into my roommate from last year. Him and his girlfriend kept smoking dope making my life miserable and they scare me too like something off about them but he wants to hang out im like wait...
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I don't feel like having a b-day cake and my family singing ''happy b-day'' at home this time... is it wrong?

I'll be turning 37 on April 7th and really feel like having a different type of b-day. On Saturday night, April 6th I plan to party and drink all night long with friends and return home very late. Then on the following...
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My mom is allergic to my bunny and she won’t let me keep inside while it’s really warm outside …is anything I can do? Or at least keep him cool?

It’s crazy hot outside , and bunnies can't stand warm weather and I really feel bad for him cuz Im trying everything to keep him inside the house cuz we have ac and stuff. But my mom is severely allergic to him and says...
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I got really mad on my period and need help fixing a relationship due to messing it up with anger?

Hello, as the title says i really messed up during pms and it was the worst one i have ever experienced my whole life, can you please help me because originally i am not a terrible person but sometimes i tend to mess up...
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Is this really the era of hookup culture and real relationships are doomed?

I’ve been out of the dating scene for a couple years for reasons. But I started dating more recently and honestly it’s kinda been a nightmare. Seems like the conversations suck. It’s like the same conversation over and...
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How it Really Feels Living with Overprotective and Controlling Parents

i wanna write this my take to share that part of my life with you. I might be 22 and you might tell me to move out but I come from a pretty traditional background, so the day I'd be able to move out would be the day I'd...