Actions Don't Always Speak Louder Than Words


We've all heard the saying "actions speak louder than words" at least once in our lives. It's probably one of the most popular quotes of all time. I personally have never fully believed that. With this Take I'll try to explain why.

Actions Don't Always Speak Louder Than Words

Well first let me say that I believe that your behavior should speak volumes before you even open your mouth. Behavior is what people have to go off of before actually meeting you. I feel like that's a bit different from your actions speaking louder than your words. While I do agree that actions are important, I don't think that words should be discredited. Words hold so much more weight than people like to think. Once spoken, they can't be taken back. They stick with us. And that whole sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me shtick? Bull.

Back to the topic at hand though, let's talk about actions. I've experienced the whole saying one thing and doing another thing many times before. Usually the person will talk a good game but will fail at backing it up with their actions. Here's the tricky thing about actions: they aren't always authentic. We watch actors and actresses in movies and on TV everyday. They play different characters and most of them are damn good at it. I'm sure most of you have heard the saying "what you see is what you get" before. Well what you see ISN'T always what you get. People put on airs all the time. My mom hid the fact that my dad was cheating on her for years. I suspected nothing because they both acted like things were perfect. But it was just that, all an act.

At the end of the day your actions and your words should line up. Mean what you say, say what you mean, and be able to back it up. Don't be so quick to believe someone's actions over their words because while actions CAN speak louder than words, that's not always the case.

Stay classy GaGers. See y'all around. ✌


Actions Don't Always Speak Louder Than Words
23 Opinion