The Issues with Feminism: Breaking Down the Myths


The Issues With Feminism: Breaking Down the Myths

If I were to say simply ‘this Take is about feminism’, a few preconceived ideas may come to mind.

But before you continue reading, I ask that you to put these ideas to the side for the moment. By the end of this, I’m hoping that you will have a different understanding and attitude towards feminism.

Here’s a list of common misconceptions that I’ve both seen on here, and heard in real life, which I’m hoping to dismiss:

“Feminists think women are better than men.”

“Feminism only fights for the rights of women.”

“Feminists are all girls.”

“Feminism is only for middle-class white women.”

“Feminists are man hating.”

“Feminists are just angry because they can't get a boyfriend/laid.”

“Feminists hate sex.”

“Feminists have no sense of humour.”

“Feminists think all men are rapists.”

I’m going to discuss the common misconceptions of the term and movement ‘feminism’, and break these issues down for you. I’ll explain the original definition of the term, explore the assumed lack of inequality and finally, I’m going to deal with the issue of ‘man hating’.

What Feminism Is

Feminism is defined as ‘the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of equality of the sexes.’ However, this is a definition that I think is easily lost, particularly with alternative meanings that the media creates and that the public circulates, which are easy to follow and get caught up in. But at the end of the day, Feminism is fighting for equals rights, and equal rights equates to human rights.

The Issues with Feminism: Breaking Down the Myths

Feminists are also working to dismantle the patriarchy, which both men and women are equally responsible for letting occupy society to begin with.

On a side note, the patriarchy is ‘a system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it.’ And its female counterpart, the matriarchy, is ‘a system of society or government ruled by a woman or women.’ (Google Definitions).

Just like every man may not be a patriarch, not all women support equal rights either. Genuine feminists despise women who advocate for the matriarchy as much as they hold distain for supporters of the patriarchy.

Feminism isn’t a movement that’s specific to race, class, age or sex. Anyone can be a feminist, as it’s aiming for equality of the sexes, and supporting it has nothing to do with your gender.

The Issues with Feminism: Breaking Down the Myths

The Lack of Inequality

Inequality of the sexes can take many different shapes and forms, whether it be great or small. One thing that became very apparent when I spoke to my male friends is that they genuinely believe feminism has gone too far. By this, they meant that for women in first world countries, inequality is not really an issue. And the fact is, I am not held above or below another of the opposite sex in high-school here in Australia. And I will probably never in my lifetime, face a traumatizing act of sexism and inequality. But that does not mean it isn’t out there. Many people, particularly males are easily confused between the inequalities faced in the western world and first world countries, which compared to other issues that are faced in third world countries, appear quite frankly, trivial.

And while the fight for equality may encompass some trivial components, the battle is for something greater, a battle on an international and worldwide scale. We’re fighting for equality in countries like Saudi Arabia, where women aren’t allowed to vote or drive, and must remain completely veiled at all times or face prosecution of the law. We’re fighting for equality in countries like Afghanistan and Bangladesh, where battery acid is thrown on women who oppose to an arranged marriage. We’re fighting for laws to be changed in places like Tanzania, where a 15-year-old girl can marry any man older than 18. These are just some examples.

The Issues with Feminism: Breaking Down the Myths


A lot of people can get confused between genuine feminists fighting for equality, and women using the movement as a protective veil to project unfair generalizations and attacks on the opposite gender. Well, I have news for you. This is not feminism, this is really what many of you know as ‘man hating’ otherwise known as misandry. Misandry is ‘dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against men (i.e. the male sex).’ And this goes directly against what the fundamental aims of feminism are. Please don’t get these things confused!!

The Issues with Feminism: Breaking Down the Myths

Anyways, I think I’ve made my point, and I hope that the arguments I’ve put forward today help you better understand what the true goals of feminism are, and have broken down some of the common misconceptions you may associate with feminism.

If you do disagree with my points, please do so respectfully.

Thanks for reading :)

P.S. I converted my English assignment into this Take and I’m pretty damn proud lol :P

The Issues with Feminism: Breaking Down the Myths
38 Opinion