3 Big Reasons Why Hillary Clinton is A LOT like Reagan

Why Hilary Clinton is A LOT like Reagan

Now there are a lot of people who like Reagan and a lot of people who like Clinton and to be honest they are both completely terrible choices and despicable people (though both are somehow better than Trump).

3 Big Reasons Why Hillary Clinton is A LOT like Reagan

However you won't find many people who like both Reagan AND Clinton. So here are reasons that they both are VERY similar.

1.They both Supported Assault weapons bans.

3 Big Reasons Why Hillary Clinton is A LOT like Reagan

Just another point I disagree with Reagan on (Yes, shocking, a 'leftard' as people is strongly pro-gun and moreso than the conservative idol Reagan)

If you don't believe me, Snopes motherfucker


And everyone knows that Hillary suppports an assault weapons ban.

So that's one way that Hillary and Reagan are very similar.

2. They both were 'soft' on Iran

3 Big Reasons Why Hillary Clinton is A LOT like Reagan

Now I actually support the current Iran plan but conservatives flipped the fuck out. So why on earth do they idolize Reagan I mean.

3 Big Reasons Why Hillary Clinton is A LOT like Reagan

I mean so tell me why that they hate Clinton the Secretary of State at the time and Idolize the man whose crimes are actually even worse than hers. So if you like Reagan, this is just another reason to vote for Clinton.

3. They both are 'soft' on immigrants.

3 Big Reasons Why Hillary Clinton is A LOT like Reagan

Yep, the man idolized the 'mexicans are rapists party' says that if someone has 'put down roots' here they deserve amnesty even though they might be an illegal immigrant. Yeah does this sound like the guy who shares your views. I mean assault weapons ban, Giving weapons to Iran, and now amnesty to those hated 'illegal immigrant rapists.'

So tell me why they support the man who calls Immigrants rapists, drug peddlers, and all sorts of assorted nastiness instead of Clinton who has said,

“We have to finally and once and for all fix our immigration system—this is a family issue. It’s an economic issue too, but it is at heart a family issue. If we claim we are for family, then we have to pull together and resolve the outstanding issues around our broken immigration system. The American people support comprehensive immigration reform not just because it’s the right thing to do—and it is—but because it will strengthen families, strengthen our economy, and strengthen our country. That’s why we can’t wait any longer, we can’t wait any longer for a path to full and equal citizenship.”-Hillary Clinton

So again if you like Reagan then you should support Clinton.

Now I hate Clinton, Trump, Reagan all with a burning passion. They are all complete and utter scum but if you morons really want a candidate like Reagan, then by all means vote clinton



3 Big Reasons Why Hillary Clinton is A LOT like Reagan
20 Opinion