Why I Believe Modern Art Sucks


Nowadays it seems that many famous modern artists try hard to be silly, offensive, half-assed, and put poetic meaning in pointless shit they call art.

Now before you art enthusiasts crucify me due to my harsh words, I will acknowledge there are good modern artists out there. But they are becoming a scarcity against all the rubbish the art establishment keeps putting out.

The impressionist movement in the early 20th century ruined centuries of artistic wonder of each generation of artists trying to out perform the last one with higher standards. We started out thousands of years ago with artists of the highest standards of Da Vinci, Rembrant, Waterhouse

Why I Believe Modern Art Sucks

Why I Believe Modern Art Sucks

Now we have paint splatter artists like Jackson Pollock:

Why I Believe Modern Art Sucks

And readymade artists like Marcel Duchamp and his worthless urinal.

Why I Believe Modern Art Sucks

To all the halfwitted talentless modern artists out there: No, their is no "deeper meaning" to your colored squares or your splattered finger paintings that took you less than 10 minutes to create. And no, there is no "deeper meaning" behind it either. Your fucking paint splatters don't symbolize the plight of dirt farmers in Venezuela, it's just paint splatters for fuck sake. You're just being a pretentious, pseudointellectual twat.

So, you think putting a Jesus Christ crucifix in a vat of your own urine is edgy and offensive? That's fine, but why won't the art establishment allow any drawings of the prophet Muhammad? That's right, the government will cut off all your funding if you do anything politically incorrect.

Why I Believe Modern Art Sucks

Readymade art is the worst. Readymade art is when an artist buys a product at the store, gives it a name, puts it on display (sometimes after painting it a different color, sometimes doing nothing to it at all), and gets paid thousands of dollars for it. For example Marcel Duchamp's Urinal or Snow Shovel.

Hell, I could do a readymade myself: Behold my red brick:

Why I Believe Modern Art Sucks

I call this piece "Cell"

[Speaking in the tone of a snooty art snob]: "Eh-hemm... Cell is presented here as a red brick. Red bricks are singular building blocks that create man made structures when they converge together. Cells are biological building blocks that when they converge together, create multicellular life forms such as plants and animals. The redness of "Cell" represents blood, the fluid of life. Blood is life. Pathways and buildings constructed from red bricks represent the toil and bloodshed of the working class proletariat who builds these structures to keep society intact. Without the working class proletariat we have no society. Without buildings, we have no society. Without blood, there is no life."

And there you have it.

The Los Angeles Museum spent $10 million for a Rock (your hard earned tax dollars at work)

Why I Believe Modern Art Sucks
5 Opinion