Dear Democratic and Republican Parties: F*** You


Dear Democratic and Republican Parties: F*** You

Democrats and Republicans, this is Waffles731 telling you that you suck. You do. Hey, Republican Party, when was the last time the majority of you had a platform beyond "fuck everything Obama's done," "Bill Clinton was a terrible economic president (blatantly false btw)." Oh yeah, George W. Bush was still in office. You all remember him, the worst president in the last 50 years. Hey Democrats, WTF did you back Clinton over Sanders. What the hell is wrong with you guys. Did you go batshit when no one was looking?

Now most Americans agree that you suck major balls.

Dear Democratic and Republican Parties: F*** You

See that, more Americans are Independents then ever before. FYI, any registered Republicans and Democrats out there, go change your registration to independent or stop voting because you are part of the problem.

Now Republican party, WHY THE FUCK DID YOU GET TRUMP? Are you trying to destroy yourselves? You've been slowly dying since the end of the Bush administration but now you basically just shot yourself in the head.

Dear Democratic and Republican Parties: F*** You

Dear Democratic Party, do you actually think that the death of the Republican Party MEANS YOU WIN!? The Republican party is the only reason you guys still fucking exist. Your entire platform is just the reverse of the GOP. I mean it, whatever they support you oppose; they oppose it you support it. How do you think thats going to go when instead of this-

Dear Democratic and Republican Parties: F*** You

You go up against this-

Dear Democratic and Republican Parties: F*** You

Or this-

Dear Democratic and Republican Parties: F*** You

And you are going to lose a shitload of power.

The Republicans go, you guys go too and vice versa.

Right now according to that's not biased news, that is just an amazing statistician's interpretation of the data he has received.

Clinton has an 86 percent chance of winning the election. Clinton is going to win but the Republican Party is going down in flames and that means you won't win against what replaces it. More parties are coming.

So Republican and Democratic you are going down and when you die, I'm going to buy a grave for both parties and piss on it.



Edit; I just realized that this is my 100th myTake. Yay for me.

Dear Democratic and Republican Parties: F*** You
30 Opinion