Why Trump May Not Be A Bad Thing


Although on Election Day I did vote for Hillary Clinton and became somewhat disappointed that Clinton didn't win the election, I believe that Trump may not be a bad thing.

Why Trump May Not Be A Bad Thing

First of all, I am kind of iffy to find that one party has too much power in the government. When I was in elementary school, Bill Clinton was president of the United States. He was a Democrat. Then came George W. Bush. He was a Republican. Then came Barack Obama. He was a Democrat. Now, Trump has succeeded Obama in the presidency; he is a Republican. Maybe a shift in politics will experiment with new policies and improve society.

The downside is that if there is a Republican president, then ideally I want a Democrat-controlled Congress; or vice versa. The main purpose of the balance of power is to force people to work together and compromise despite extreme ideological differences. My biggest fear is that the Republican president and the Republican-controlled Congress will pass a series of laws with abandon. My biggest hope is that the government does something about the environment and climate change, but apparently, Trump's website doesn't say anything about the environment. Environmental issues should be non-partisan. Everyone lives on the same planet, so everyone should have the obligation to protect the planet. If that means stop buying factory-farmed megafauna and turning to earthworms and other bugs as a source for animal protein, then so be it.

Why Trump May Not Be A Bad Thing

According to Trump's own website, the upside of having Trump as president means that at least I won't be affected too negatively.

Trump promises that he will raise the military funding, which means joining the military will be an optional career choice for me.

Trump promises to eliminate mandatory healthcare purchases. Under the Obama administration, I was pretty content that I could stay under my parents' healthcare plan until I became 26. As a college student, I didn't have many medical needs, except mandatory school vaccinations. Though, when my 26th birthday approached, I became a bit freaked out about having to purchase healthcare on my own. I don't need to be forced to buy healthcare coverage, when I don't have any medical issues other than PCOS. And I think I can manage my own PCOS symptoms by maintaining a healthy weight and doing regular strength-training and staying out of harm's way. Trump will just be president for 4 years anyway, so if I can keep myself healthy during those 4 years without health insurance, then chronic diseases will be the least of my worries. I may purchase health insurance for emergencies. Maybe health insurance premiums will be cheaper due to the competition from out-of-state competitors.

Why Trump May Not Be A Bad Thing

Trump promises a strict regulation on illegal immigration. I personally find his stance objectionable and hypocritical. The true legal citizens should be Native Americans. Unfortunately, they are a mistreated group of people. They were stripped away from their homes, persecuted, assimilated into European-American society, and treated like minorities with second-class citizenship. All this in their own land. The European invaders hunted the buffalo population to near extinction too. In the history of immigration to the United States, Europeans were generally welcomed to immigrate here, but people from China were discriminated against socially and legally, even though they just came through the same route as the Europeans - by boat. As much as I hate his immigration reform policy (uneducated/unskilled illegal immigrants can do jobs that nobody wants and provide cheap manual labor, because hiring an American is more expensive than hiring an undocumented immigrant and paying under-the-table, which may sound unethical/bad but necessary to get cheap labor), at least I or my family won't be affected. I came to America the legal, documented way, and I became naturalized in my teens. My relatives not in my immediate family also came here legally with proper documentation. From my experience, it is possible to immigrate to the United States from a developing country legally. Though, I admit that my parents are highly educated individuals, and their relatives who came to the USA are also highly educated and skilled laborers. I wonder what immigration will look like under the Trump administration.

Although Trump is not my preferred president, I think I can live under his regime for four years. I will probably hold my breath and pass out, if he actually gets re-elected for another four years.

Why Trump May Not Be A Bad Thing
33 Opinion