5 Useful Life Lessons to Help You In Life

5 Useful Life Lessons to Help You In Life

Most people seem to think that you need to have experience in order to learn how life works. While I don’t think it’s wrong, I do think that you can acquire the same amount of wisdom just by being smart enough to understand some obvious truths in life.

When you think about it, the value of any experience is the lesson you get from it right ? So why not learn the lesson and at the same time avoid the time and effort needed to learn it ? I mean there are tons of people who learn the same lesson but they’re all going through similar experiences, so why should you do the same just to learn the same lesson ? It makes sesnse, doesn’t it ?

Ok then, if you’re ready let’s start.

1. Experience without deep analysis is useless

I’ve seen a lot of people who have plenty of experience. They’ve been to a lot of places, talked to tons of people, worked at many jobs, yet their level of thinking didn’t change at all. Why ? Because despite their experience, they never took the time to make conclusions from their trials and errors.

If you compare someone who learned a lot of stuff just out of awareness, and someone who’s had plenty of experience but who lacks the proper thinking, the first one will easily be more successful in life just because the first one will avoid the mistakes even if he never experienced them, whereas the second one will keep making the same mistake because he won’t get the lesson behind it.

2. Don’t trust people too quickly

I think you already know this, so just take it as a reminder. A lot of people make the mistake of trusting too fast, opening up way too quickly than they should. Well, I think the lesson is pretty obvious here, don’t do that.

3. If you wait for something to be happy you never will be

I’ll be really happy when ____ fill in the blank. This is a huge mistake that most people, including me, make at some point in life. There’s this illusion the somehow, a person, an event or a material possession will suddenly make us happy.

Let’s pretend it’s true for a moment, how long do you think that happiness is going to last ? Not very long I guess. You have to understand that the only way to be happy is now. Of course, I’m not asking you to just ‘be happy’ that’s just not very logical. What I’m saying is that you should stop waiting for something to be happy, that’s it.

4. Wishing for something won’t make it happen

A goal without a plan is just a wish

Saying you really want something or talking all day long about it won’t make it happen. This is more of a reminder than a lesson, but still, it’s useful to remember it. If you want something, make sure you take action, even if it’s minimal at first, but the important thing is to move, do something.

5. Not giving up actually works

You’ve heard it a thousand times, you see it everywhere, and you think to yourself — that’s just bullsh*t, real life doesn’t work like that — Well, guess what ? It does. If you don’t believe me, go and read the stories of the people who are really successful nowadays, a good example is steve jobs.

The main reason why people aren’t doing what they want to do is because they give up too soon, then they start blaming life as if life was a person. If you read the stories of people who are insanely successful, you’ll notice that one of their common traits is persistence.

Sometimes, just reading about how some of these people were living makes you wonder how they didn’t go insane. If you want something, don’t give up on it.

5 Useful Life Lessons to Help You In Life
2 Opinion