The Most Important Life Lessons I Have Learned So Far

Hello! Hope everyone is doing well during these COVID-19 times. Makes for a great opportunity to write, though! Today`s Take is all about the most important life lessons that I have learned in my (so far) short life. Hope you get a few good lessons out of this! Let me know if you have any important lessons to share in the comments below! Enjoy!

The Most Important Life Lessons I Have Learned So Far

Nothing is as glorious as it seems.

Especially in today`s society where social media platforms have taken over, it is easier than ever to get a glimpse of the lives of people. It is, however, simultaneously possible to alter the truth. Photoshop as well as only capturing the highlights of our lives can portray them as much more glamorous and happy than they really are on a daily basis. Considering how easy it is to make life seem better than it is, one can safely say that nothing is as glorious as it seems. This is because nobody wants to show others when life becomes completely messy or negative.

If people brag or put great emphasis on an aspect of their life, it is most likely fake or untrue.

I have had so many experiences where people say things such as: "I make so much money", "I am the best in my class at school", "I never cry" or "I am totally over him/her". These claims can seem quite convincing in a conversation, but people who have something to hide will try their best to subconsciously convince you of otherwise. The truth is, people who are true to themselves and their lives will be confident enough to let others see them and their accomplishments without having to prove anything. If you truly make lots of money, people will notice. The same goes to whether or not you are truly over your ex-partner, if you do not cry a lot or in fact are the most successful in school.

People who are true to themselves and their lives will be confident enough to let others see them and their accomplishments without having to prove anything.

Hard work can get you anywhere.

It does not matter what aspect or area in life we are talking about. If you are a hard worker in general, it can get you anywhere. If you work hard in school, you can get into any university of your choice and be eligible for scholarships. If you work hard in the working life, you can get promoted and make more money. If you work hard on yourself, you can discover new things about yourself that you never knew and become someone better!

The Most Important Life Lessons I Have Learned So Far

Your choice of partner can change your path in life.

...for the better or worse. You might be dead set on the path of your choice, but finding someone you love down the road can truly change your view on life. If it was meant to be, you will soon find yourself to want a family and domestic life with that person. Or, they might be on a different path that you would want to follow in stead. As this can be seen as romantic and healthy for the relationship, people often lose or forget themselves in the process. It is important to be sure that the new path you are going will leave you happy in the end, too!

The Most Important Life Lessons I Have Learned So Far

Dreams do not always work out, and life throws curve balls at you.

This is not necessarily a bad thing! Sometimes you discover new dreams or decide to live old ones.

It is not about what you know, but who you know.

What do I mean by this? Well, I am mostly referring to the working life and sometimes education. More often than not, people actually get better jobs and access to education if they know the right people who can get them contacts. Those things do not always require an expensive diploma or a colorful CV!

It is important to be selfish in your teen years until early adulthood.

These years are probably the most important of your life, because they decide who you become as a person and in real life. All the decisions you make during this time can heavily influence the rest of your life!

People change, so never depend on them.

If your life is planned with other people in mind, you might wind up disappointed. This is because people always change. They meet new people, experience new things and change their minds. That is why it is crucial to plan smart if it will affect your life.

The Most Important Life Lessons I Have Learned So Far
The Most Important Life Lessons I Have Learned So Far
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