A Male View of "The Superwoman Fallacy or Why Women Nowadays Are More Oppressed Than Ever"


Here is the male response to the conversation created by @cherryphi82


Let’s take apart this fallacy of a take, shall we?

There is no book to point you too, just society since the dawn of humans. There has been in essence numerous demands that men have always had to fulfill:

The first demand asks males to be good at all of the traditional male stuff. In other words, no, males aren't riddled with petty nonsense like just being expected to "look good" or "be nice", (as well as all the other non-things like "excelling at empathy, cooperation, and relationship building." which are basic human characteristics.) We are too busy being disposable for the sake of female happiness and comfort.

Men have ALWAYS sacrificed their LIFE for the sake of women. We do the deadly jobs, put their lives second in crisis, work longer hours, sacrifice our social lives, friends and family to become successful so we can be "good enough" for a female to see us as worthy. Men have ALWAYS been trained from birth to put women first and sacrifice themselves and we get the reward of "honor" or a monument in our name while women live their lives in comfort.

A Male View of "The Superwoman Fallacy or Why Women Nowadays Are More Oppressed Than Ever"

We are expected to do ACTUAL work which is why male life expectancy is so much shorter than womens. We don't have to make up foolish social justice nonsense words like "emotional labor" to pretend we have undo hardship, history will easily show that men's lives are used as pawns to make women's lives comfortable.

A Male View of "The Superwoman Fallacy or Why Women Nowadays Are More Oppressed Than Ever"

Current society and social standards not only demand that males do ALL the deadly backbreaking work, work longer hours, take fewer vacations and time off, but we also need to then do half of the traditional "girl" stuff or be attacked and shamed for not being a "good man".

In the developed world, women’s options have broadened to a degree where they can choose to be and do almost anything they want (thanks to lowered standards and enforced quotas) but since they are no longer confined to only one role, one place, and one purpose, like motherhood and homemaking, they now expect men to carry half the load of the traditional girl stuff after they come home from the harder job, longer hours, and doing *traditional guys stuff. (*Putting his life last to protect his family.)


The masculine expectation includes a fierce sense of competition in three areas: the professional, the academic and the athletic arena. You can't just get there on quotas and lowered standards. It's how men have had to struggle since the dawn of man. But with the new age of affirmative action, men now have more of a struggle where the professional world takes gender into account 1st then qualifications. The school system teaches a female-centric curriculum, marks boys harder, treats maleness as a disease, and see's boys as broken girls. Which makes education and work more of an uphill battle than it already was, while putting less competent people in the roles to fill SJ expectations.

A Male View of "The Superwoman Fallacy or Why Women Nowadays Are More Oppressed Than Ever"

Having high ambitions and the drive to achieve them are fulfilling and worthy qualities. But it has nothing to do with men practicing them for years and women not, It's simply that women are just DIFFERENT than men physically and emotionally and therefore the standards get lowered to appease the social justice nutjobs because, without them, women can't get there. Which lowers the standard of any employment that uses affirmative action to fill roles.


If it's more difficult for women when they are expected to fulfill both demands of work and home life at the same time, imagine how hard it must be to be expected to put your life last in an effort to be a good provider, protector, partner, and parent. When you're giving up your health and your life are paramount when it comes to your value as a human.

The third demand, which says women should be sexy, thin/fit, pretty, clean shaven, have a great boyfriend/partner and kids and be wildly successful in one’s career, is the SAME demand that tells men he must be handsome, wealthy, successful, fit, clean, strong, a protector, provider, chilverous yet "equal", etc.

A Male View of "The Superwoman Fallacy or Why Women Nowadays Are More Oppressed Than Ever"

It’s not hard to understand why male suicide rates are epidemic. Being competitive necessitates a certain level of ruthlessness and disregard for the needs of others. But according to women, if a man isn't both aggressive and ruthless as well as kind and loving, we are not worthy. If he doesn't provide, he is worthless, if he isn't a protector he is worthless, if he isn't a good lover her is worthless, etc.

Men have ALWAYS been given the message that anything less than the absolute best counts as failure. The question we need to ask is who has always profited from the deaths and hard work of men? Hint, it isn't the men.

A Male View of "The Superwoman Fallacy or Why Women Nowadays Are More Oppressed Than Ever"
45 Opinion