4 Terrifying Things That Will Happen If Humans Don't Stop Pollution


It`s not only about global warming anymore. It doesn`t even matter if you believe it exists or not because there are other factors that can, in fact, have a much larger negative impact on the globe and its inhabitants. Here are a few of the potential results from continuous pollution.

In advance, I`m sorry to post a myTake with such negative content, but I will try to make another one that`s about progress on this particular subject.

1. Extinction

This is probably the result most people are concerned about, and, they should be. Fracking is a practice that extracts oil and natural gas from shale plays. This can cause soil pollution. Since soil is the very foundation of our survival, we can all book ourselves a one-way ticket to the endangered species list. Not to mention that this is just one of probably a hundred ways that we could potentially become extinct.

4 terrifying things that will happen if humans don`t stop pollution

2. There goes the sun, do do do do

Do you like to sunbathe? Well, that might not last long. Continous air pollution will not only permanently damage our bodies with dangerous particles, but it will create a thick layer of dark smoke which can block out the sun. This won`t just leave us in the dark (literally), but it will make it impossible to maintain crops and growth.

4 Terrifying Things That Will Happen If Humans Don't Stop Pollution

3. Running out of oxygen

Deforestation and just simple air pollution will kill trees and plants, keeping them from fulfilling their deed as photosynthetic devices. We all know from basic knowledge that photosynthesis is the production of oxygen, so without these wonderful things, we won`t stand a chance. I would hold my breath if I were you.

4. Dirt and filth in your water supply

If you like it dirty, polluting the earth might be for you! In addition, you`ll get luxurious, dirty baths and showers offered to your entire family. Also, you won`t be brushing your teeth in clean water anymore. Your girlfriend or boyfriend will be talking dirty to you all day and all night.

4 Terrifying Things That Will Happen If Humans Don't Stop Pollution
4 Terrifying Things That Will Happen If Humans Don't Stop Pollution
23 Opinion