3 Weird Problems Humans Will Have in The Future

3 Weird Problems Humans Will Have in The Future

Let's take a second and forget about every other possible problem that will impact us in the future, like climate change, and instead just focus on the human side of things. These are some of the weird problems that every day people will face decades from now:

(1.) Setting Age Limits on Life

3 Weird Problems Humans Will Have in The Future

One of the most wonderful parts about living in our modern world is that people are living longer...a lot longer. Back when Social Security was created in 1935, you had to be at least 65 years old to retire and receive benefits. The average life expectancy in 1935 was only about 61 years old, but remember this was an overall average and plenty of people lived longer than that. In 2011, the average life expectancy was nearly 79 years old, and as the years go by people will live longer, and longer, and longer...

NOPE. You see, people need to die eventually. We were never made to live forever. We live, we reproduce, we die, and our offspring starts the cycle all over again. There will soon come a point that not only will the age for Social Security benefits be raised (because allowing these now actually healthy old people to just stop working and drain government money for decades isn't going to fly), but there will be age limits too. Not only because of benefit drainage like previously mentioned, but because overpopulation is a big issue and having a bunch of old, non-reproducing, non-working, non-tax paying, and resource draining humans around isn't useful. Society needs young and active adults to function properly. So, there will eventually be end caps on how old someone can live until they're deemed non-useful anymore and need to be euthanized.

(2.) Possible Racism Against Clones or Cyborgs (or the opposite!)

3 Weird Problems Humans Will Have in The Future

"She's not like the rest of us, she's one of THEM! "

Yes, being a human clone or cyborg/bionic person may not be a fun way to live in the future. While we may have been optimistically promised now about curing crippling deformities and limb loss through the magic of technology and science, it may end up being what divides us. We tend to think racism is just something that past humans did, and we aren't like those barbarians! We're much more civilized than them!

Nope. Now, discrimination against separate races of humans may be a thing of the past decades into the future, but discrimination against "non-humans" (or rather SUB-humans, as they'll be known), could be a very real thing. Those who are mere clones, soulless & worthless copies, will most likely be 2nd class citizens who do grunt work and possibly just serve as test subjects or organ farms for their originals. Those who need bionic modifications to function normally (like bionic limbs, bionic eyes for the blind, bionic ear drums, etc.) will be seen as unnatural, and real human beauty will be desired.

However, the total opposite might happen. The bionic people will be stronger, smarter, more precise, faster, and more when compared to other humans. Some might even PURPOSELY remove and upgrade their old human organs to become better than everyone else. A regular human might become the 2nd class citizen here. He's a moron and slow compared to the other upgraded ones. This might also might take form as classism, since those who can afford the upgrades are most likely the wealthy. As for the clones, using their collective mindset and natural ability to work together from being the same person might give them an edge over everyone else. Maybe only the best of the best people are clones, and since they're all the "same" person, our society might be littered with Olympic athletes, geniuses, and models everywhere...and you'll just be a flawed human.

Of course, this might not happen at all. Human cloning may never be a thing in society, and if it is, it's possible that normal humans will become accustomed to these clones and integrate them well into society. Let's not forget that bionic people already exist (those with artificial hearts and limbs, for example), and they aren't seen as some monsters, if anything just shining examples of what technology can do to improve our lives. Us humans have also been getting better at this whole "tolerance" thing the past couple of centuries, so what's to say we won't have it nailed down by the time the new "races" of humans arrive?

(3.) Real Sęx Will Have to Compete With Simulations

3 Weird Problems Humans Will Have in The Future

Sęx robots are already a thing. Not only that, but we've already invented some pretty clever toys for ourselves to make masturbatiǫn more enjoyable. There's virtual reality pǫrn, and it won't be long before the tech becomes cheaper and easier to obtain. Soon, humans will have to compete against robots and simulations for sęx.

"Now hold on", you might say, "Real sęx with a real person will ALWAYS be better than with some robot!" You're right! For now at least. Those robots are soon going to be nearly perfect. They'll have amazing bodies with realistic and warm skin. They will do whatever you want them to, whenever you want them too. They'll have realistic sęxual organs that feel and perform like the real thing. The robots will act and react the same as a real person would during sęx, and after, if you enjoy cuddling. They'll artificially love you just as good if not better than any person. This will change how humans see intercourse with each other. Real sęx might even end up being worse than the robot's loving.

Let's not forget societal factors, too. About a decade ago, having a male sęx toy was a rare and frowned upon thing. Nowadays, everybody knows what a fleshlight is, and even though it's still looked at as the "loser" thing to do, they keep selling more and more of them. The same thing will happen with sęx robots. At first it will be rejected for being seen as something only desperate people get, until the stigma dies out and it becomes commonplace. Let's not forget that whole overpopulation problem too. Governments may severely limit the number of children people can have and if people can have children in the first place. They'll likely encourage and possibly subsidize these robots and simulations so that less people will be interested in the real thing.

Oh, did I mention that robot marriages will become a thing too? After all, these robots will have almost perfectly human intelligence and will experience emotions, like love. To the human and their robot partner, this love is just as real as anyone else's, and soon you'll see humans and robots growing obsolete together, raising families of cyber babies.

Okay so maybe the cyber babies is a bit of a stretch.

So yeah...

3 Weird Problems Humans Will Have in The Future

Humanity is far from doomed or anything, but the goal of this take here is to show you that lifestyles and societies are going to change and become much different decades ahead. Something we have never thought about before will become leading social issues in the future. Thank you for reading!

3 Weird Problems Humans Will Have in The Future
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