Please tell me, what, exactly, did we win in 2016?


It's a F****** DISGRACE that we have sunk so far.

Not 300 years ago, We ruled our country....we dealt with famine, indians, disease and built the world's greatest country. If somebody had a justified prejudice, they were men and said so face to face with anybody who had an issue with them. We held our heads high and took on all comers like John Wayne. We were Legends.

Now many of us simper and bow to women and fear any non-white male. (Spouting big talk from hiding via the internet doesn't remotely count) Crying about our women not wanting us and buying 20 guns just because they saw a black man 20 miles away. Remember when WE were respected and feared?

When Trump was elected, many of my drinking buddies hooped and hollered about how things were finally going to go right for us and how Trump would all of the things he said. 2020 is almost here and we have no wall and the President of Turkey..TURKEY!!!!! basically called Trump a bitch to his face in front of the world. What did we get from these 4 years?? Obamacare dying mostly hurt the ignorant hillbillies who celebrated like idiots. AND WHERE IS THE FUCKING WALL???

Making America great by taking land from Americans because minorities frighten you??
Making America great by taking land from Americans because minorities frighten you??

Now the rest of the world looks at Obama as the standard and laughs openly at us. We threw everything at the man and he never once threw a fit. He remained the same arrogant elitist and Trump throws a tantrum every other week.

In 2020, we will need a conservative that we can look at with pride. Someone who will slap down anybody who screws with the USA. I'm not sure who that might be but somebody needs to step up.

NOTE to #MAGA idiots: America has always been great!! Just because you were pissed that the woman you wanted chose a black guy over you and you were too much of a coward doesn't mean America isn't great, it just means that YOU are not. Stop embarrassing the rest of us!! aren't nearly as clever as you think.

Please tell me, what, exactly, did we win in 2016?

All you're doing is giving Liberals something to point and laugh at.

I will not bother conversing with the butthurt snowflakes whose panties got twisted by my opinion. Rant and rage away.

Please tell me, what, exactly, did we win in 2016?
23 Opinion