The Men's Rights Movement is not only legitimate it is long overdue


It truly is. Today boys and men live in a highly toxic environment that is harming them not just psychologically but also physically. Today's school environment is more toxic for boys than girls and today's work environment is more toxic for men than women. We see misandry in our culture throughout the media from tv and movies to real-life crime and drama. When men and women commit a crime the man not only gets a longer sentence but the prosecutor will make a deal with the woman to testify against the man. Even if the woman is the ringleader. Also, male murderers either receive the death penalty or life without parole while female murderers are spared the death penalty and receive a finite sentence. Only men are required to sign up for selective service while women are exempt. If men fail to do that they are imprisoned. This is a violation of the 14th Amendment. More money goes to medical research for women than men. A lot of states have safe haven laws that allow a woman to abandon motherhood by dropping her baby off at a hospital, police station and fire station. Men, on the other hand, are stuck with fatherhood and are required to support the child or children. Even if they are not his. Women have been known to select men's names out of a phone book. Find a male name and name that man as the father, regardless if he even he has met the woman or not, place that man's name on the baby's birth certificate and if this guy does not contest it or does not contest it in time he is on the hook for child support. Then there is alimony,in some jurisdictions lifetime alimony, where the man pays a large sum of his paycheck to his ex-wife who may be living with a millionaire or some bad boy. In some cases, the ex-husband is paying for the bad boy's Ferrari. These are to name a few of the problems men face.

The Mens Rights Movement is not only legitimate it is long overdue
The Men's Rights Movement is not only legitimate it is long overdue
10 Opinion