Why President Trump Is America's Last Best Hope


30 years ago when I went back to college after dropping out the first time I took two history classes from a "renowned" Harvard University history professor.

On day one I felt that something was wrong.

The entire course was about how horrible America was, how we killed Indians and took slaves, started wars, pillaged and plundered.

Classes regularly broke into small discussion groups with history graduate students leading the groups. I thought I was in some kind of alternate universe. This wasn't the history that I learned in high school.

If you said anything good about America in your oral presentations or papers, and didn't just regurgitate what a horrible country it was for what it did to the Indians and slaves and to the Japanese dropping a bomb on them and for starting all the wars in history, your papers received a poor grade and you were ridiculed and harassed not only by these graduate students who reminded me of Gestapo, but by the other students who were almost all younger than me and who I realized I had already been brainwashed. This was Hitler Youth!

This was a geographically diverse student body at one of the most prestigious colleges in the world. That's when I first came to understand that something terrible was happening in the classrooms of America. Kids were being taught that America is an evil country and needs to be "fundamentally transformed." They were being taught that America is the root of all evil in the world, precisely what America's enemies and adversaries would like Americans to believe in order to undermine their support for their own country and weaken its foundation.

Ever since then I've been arguing that the most dangerous risk to America is not what's happening in Washington or on the Internet or in social circles, but what's happening in our classrooms where kids are being systematically indoctrinated into anti-American ideology.

It's been happening quietly and under the radar for so long, that I'm not sure there's any way to reverse it at this point. Patriots are late to the revelation and I'm not sure they understand it even now.

The enemies of our country have been working this plan quietly and patiently for all these years in order to be able to reach this point: the point where they can put up an anti-American candidate who will turn this country over to our enemies and easily have them elected. They can destroy the country without firing a single shot.

I've never seen anything this scary.

Why someone from my generation would be on their side, since our minds weren't polluted with that garbage when we were in school, is a mystery to me.

The only possible explanation I can think of, is that they're weak-minded and afraid of the ridicule and harassment they will receive if they don't go along with the anti-American party line. They are afraid of sticking up for America because the tide has shifted, and that has become forbidden. It's much easier to go along with the anti-American thugs, and hope that they will leave you alone, than stand up to them and face a firestorm of harassment, political persecution, and even violence.

It's the exact same syndrome that some Jews that supported Hitler had. Some of them thought that if they supported him he would leave them alone. It was fear and weakness that drove them to do such a crazy thing. How did that work out for them?

But the difference is that supporters of the left today, are not without an historical context by which to understand that that behavior will not get them a pass, and in fact will lead to their being the first ones to be sent to the work camps when the dictators get into power.

The problem is that they are not even conscious of their own psychological weakness. If you are not aware you even have a problem the fact that there is ample context in which to understand and overcome it is worthless.

These are very scary times. Biden is brain dead. If he is elected he'll become a puppet of the radical anti-American left. I don't know what will happen to the country, but it can't be good.

Communists and Marxists are feeling their oats. They're salivating. After all these decades of insidiously undermining America, they think they're finally going to have their shot. And sadly, they might be right. I never thought I would see this happen in my lifetime.

I so hope that the silent majority still exists, and will make itself heard in the voting booths.

Why President Trump Is Americas Last Best Hope
Why President Trump Is America's Last Best Hope
28 Opinion