myReview 2 mo

What will the future of humankind be like. I don't like what I'm thinking.


If I were better educated, I could have thought this out better, but here is the framework.

What will the future of humankind be like. I dont like what Im thinking.

Prognosticators like Elon Musk are predicting AI will become self-aware take over much of non-physical digital human activity, while robotics will take over manufacture and even Service functions including Military operations. It brings up some uncomfortable questions and thoughts.

*When this occurs, what functions will remain the provinces of humans?
In my way of thinking, it will be Agriculture, which is impractical to mechanize, Human Services such as medicine and logistics, such as truck, train, auto and air transportation which contain too many infinitely variable circumstances to be reliably automated. There are others that fit these patterns.

*What will be the range of coverage? My thinking is nations of the "civilized world" with active economies and manufacturing sectors. It will stretch thin into the third world which will remain largely surviving on subsistence farming, becoming even more tribal and remote when "civilization" largely ignores it since poverty does not serve the marketplace. Starvation, disease and totalitarian dictatorships will depopulate the third world to a fraction of its present size.

*Back at home, how many prople do we need? Since AI and Robotics have largely replaced humans, civilized world populations will plummet due to disappearing jobs; creating a destitute proletariat that barely survives and is controlled by the AI Bureaucracy. Further, replacements will collapse in the civilized world while the third world reproduces to the limits of subsistence farming. So the "West" will depopulate to continued support of its economies while the third world overpopulates.

I think within 100 years of AI/Robotic control, the world population will decline by 50+% cut the civilized world will be reduced by 80% or more.

What will the future of humankind be like. I don't like what I'm thinking.
17 Opinion