"Giving a Shit" the issues with the foundation of it's sole existence

I simply do not give a shit. I have a bucket list. I'm following that bucket list. I am fulfilling what I want. Doing as I please. I do not feign to care when I do not. And for some absurd reason unbeknownst to me, I am expected to pretend as though I give a shit when frankly I don't give a shit and to be quite direct, doesn't that all seem just a tad plainly peculiar, trivial, and all around together prosaic to say the least of this foolish concept's droll bounds of unwavering wishful cries requesting for the rest of the world and me to be deceptive? I don't understand the the base you build your requests upon. What nonsense is this that I should make myself compatible and comprised of niceties when I don't give a shit and I don't give a shit that you give a shit that I don't give a shit. You're obsession with choosing to be offended by my lack of interest in your life is pathetic and I simply cannot comprehend for the life of me why you lot choose to be bothered by something so quaint and which should not matter at all in the first place as that of me not giving a shit. Why do you care? If I matter so, then frankly you do not. My love is the type of thing that you have to earn and once you've earned you will realize you don't need it. None of us truly need it. It is quite honestly the silliest of all desires we allow to plague our minds for those of us who allow such doltish things to enter our minds from the beginning.

"Giving a Shit" the issues with the foundation of it's sole existence

"Giving a Shit" the issues with the foundation of it's sole existence
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