Anonymous questions and anonymous answers?

Many persons on this website, ask and answer questions anonymously...and I often wonder why ? As near as I can tell, your question and /or answer is virtually "anonymous" anyway just by the way this site is configured, managed, etc.

I very rarely ask or answer in that manner, since no one would be able to identify me anyway...and in addition, I try to ask and answer (most of the time ...unless I really lose my cool over a particular asinine question) questions in such a way that I hopefully don't sound like a barbarian, or a pervert in a raincoat hanging out on a street corner.

I guess my question, has to do with maintaining some propriety, as to the way I ask a question or answer a question. i.e. the question that was recently ask, and then promptly 'deleted' by a moderator "Do guys like to have their butt whole licked" ? Besides the incorrect spelling, the asker needed some coaching on how to ask a question.

I can't imagine asking a question like that / especially in such vulgar terms, and expecting a civil answer, and in addition, to expect that it would not be thrown out.

Many questions / answers are still 'anonymous' and I often wonder why based on the above parameters.

Anyone asking a question like that in those terms, has to know it is going to be short lived on this site...ESPECIALLY if they are a minor...

Many persons ask more 'civilized questions and answer in a civil way but still as an "anonymous user"...and I wonder why that is...?

Any one have any ideas ?
+1 y
One has to wonder also why a user has 'no profile', nor any pictures, to make any determination if they are who they say they are. A name that has no profile and no pictures, always begs a question of being honest and credible.
+1 y
My bottom line comment on all of this is, "If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen"
Anonymous questions and anonymous answers?
11 Opinion