Professional cuddlers... have you used them? What have your experiences been like?

The prices vary greatly. They make you keep ALL your clothes on, even your shirt. The difference between them and prostitutes is that they don't have sex with their clients. The fees are more comparable to massage therapists than prostitutes. The Snuggle Buddies LLC was founded by a young man in New Jersey, U. S. who is INconsistent in paying his workers. He collects $80/hour from the client via his website and is supposed to give $40/hour of that to the snuggler. But on 7/16/2016 apparently that did not happen when I requested a snuggler in Downtown Anaheim, CA, U. S. Her name, photo and city were removed from the website just days after my session. At least she was willing to engage in the maximal-contact positions I favor for the entire session. She didn't caress me near as much as I would've liked.

I thought there was hope that I could pay professional cuddlers a few times a year until I can get back into a relationship. However, the fact that Cuddle Sanctuary in Los Angeles has at least one cuddler who squirms at penile erections may mean that I'll have a hard time finding cuddlers in my area who will IGNORE mine and just do what I'm paying her to do - cuddle me in maximal-contact positions as I am paying exorbitant fees for the service. I am a minimum-wage worker and plan to be for a LIFETIME. Professional cuddlers are just not worth the money they cost in lesser-contact positions when I'm spending this great percentage of my tiny income on them.
Professional cuddlers... have you used them? What have your experiences been like?
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