I hate fat people?

So when coming home on the subway after work, this really really obese lady literally used her fat ass to push me off my seat so that she can sit. I was pissed off and sort of yelled at her. I mean she should asked me to move Jesus Christ.

Which got me thinking why these far people annoy me so much at times:

1. Fat acceptance- self explanatory so I will move on. But in short, this movement is not going to bring change. People will not say anything bad about fatness but will still judge you. They will do it discreetly which will be worse.

2. Inconsistent arguments: fat activists say that fat doesn’t mean unhealthy but they also say that “healthism is bad” and that some people are fat due to diseases. Yes very logical arguments... not.

3. Slogans like: the fact that my big body bothers you is your problem not mine: Very dangerous statement to make. In public spaces, your big body becomes a problem if it affects space that people paid for (by creeping onto their space, ie airline seats). And no seats are not the problem.
Pay more for the seats. This is basic rules in society. If one seat isn’t enough buy two (unless u have medical condition but that’s a small percentage). Pay more and people won’t give you shit. Position yourself in a way that people are not blocked. this is why people dislike you fat people. Holy fuck

Sorry but enough is enough. Next time a fat person does this to me I’m pushing her back. Next time a fat person intrudes on my space in an air plane I’m wedging a file folder between us and fighting for my space and what’s mine.

More and more I hate fat people due to their behaviour.
I hate fat people?
25 Opinion