My professor thinks that I like him?

I'm a good student. My professor likes to talk to me and is nice to me. He also makes a lot of eye contact with me when he's talking. But he behaves very unprofessional though and does a lot of unprofessional things in class like argue with students in front of everyone, read emails to the class, teach like a high school teacher, etc. This week me and my friend became fed up with my professor so we went and complained about him. As I was complaining about him he was right behind me listening. I felt bad afterward and thought that I should go and apologize for what I said to wane the awkwardness. Today I went to talk to him at the very beginning of class when no one was around. I was basically saying that I know he's mad at me for what I said and he denied ever being angry. I then said, "I know your mad at me based on your body language." And he said, "We have a student teacher relationship. Nothing else". I responded, "What!? I don't have a crush on you!" And he just ignored me and kept writing something. I don't understand where he got the idea that I like him when he's the one who is nicest to me. On top of that I complained about him to his boss. Isn't that a sign that I don't see him in that way? I'm not sure if it's because I wore a skirt and boots today but I always wear outfits with a skirt and boots. Things are even more awkward! >.<

Afterward I just sat facing away from him and didn't participate in class because I was so angry at him for accusing me of having a crush on him. What do I do now?
My professor thinks that I like him?
3 Opinion