16.4K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. The litmus test should be "will this help the American taxpayer"? If the answer is no then it should not be done. Biden is doing the opposite.
Trump almost eliminated not only illegal immigration but also human trafficking and slowed the flow of drugs across the southern border. He sent a clear message that we didn't want thousands of unskilled, uneducated people coming into our country and overtaxing an already stressed healthcare and welfare system.
Trump looked out for American citizens, he got us out of the Middle East, he made us energy independent and made better trade deals. All these things helped American citizens. Biden is dismantling all these gains and going in the wrong direction. Wait until people file their taxes next year and wait until they have to heat their homes next winter.313 Reply- +1 y
@Jack9949 I didn’t vote for biden
- +1 y
@Jack9949 he’s been a proven fuckup his entire 50 years in the swamp. Why would I vote for a proven fuckup
- +1 y
@exitseven Oh I’m sorry. I’m confusing you with this other dude
- +1 y
Otherwise I thought your earlier question implied you were a Biden voter. Anybody have buyers remorse with Joe Biden? ↗
Most Helpful Opinions
- +1 y
Duh... Have you EVER met a liberal who will admit to screwing up, even if done before 10,000 people?
22 Reply- +1 y
Wow... so trumps 30k lies plus his bullshit tweets in front of 7billion people world wide... your just gonna let that slide?
- +1 y
@michael1469 yep because he was right
What Girls & Guys Said
- +1 y
How is anyone blaming trump? Biden has to deal with the unaccompanied minors.
The rest of that crowd can be sent back.
I mean, you are a trumper so you don't know what you are talking about anyway. I guess the criticism you hear is Biden has to track down all the families trump separated and reunite those children with their parents. It is on us to reunite the families, but again, once that is done they need to be sent back.00 Reply - +1 y
Do you think they are going to take the blame for something they did. It is easier to blame Trump. THE DEMOCRATIC COMMUNIST PARTY OF AMERICA is trying destroy America and is well on their way to doing so. Cuba and Argentina here we come lock stock and barrel
10 Reply 792 opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. all they know is “orange man bad”. They just spent 4 years blaming everything from climate change to ingrown toe nails on trump... it’s really their only niche.
10 Reply- +1 y
For the love of fuck, turn off Faux Noise, Breitfart and Infotards. But then again, you shouldn't be on the Internet anyway, I hope the FBI DESTROYS you for Jan 6.
10 Reply 10.5K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. You must be a new kind of stupid.
Trumps 4 years of border fuckups didn't stop everyone at the border. Plus they mostly held them there under duress while separating parents from their kids to question and process both. The cost was the same, and Trump just lied about it being otherwise.12 Reply- +1 y
It was far better than now though isn’t it stupid?
- +1 y
I want to thank you liberals for not listening to us about Biden’s incompetence with immigration because you’re now making Trump look like a genius
3.7K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Because They don’t want to have to admit they’re wrong
10 Replythye need to blame their failures on someone and since trump reigns Supreme in their minds 24/7 he's the first to blame...
10 Reply- Anonymous(36-45)+1 y
That's all liberals do lie. And it works because a lot of useful idiots who don't pay attention outside of Facebook and watching CNN or something
10 Reply - Anonymous(36-45)+1 y
It is underfunded because the marxists like pelosi and AOC called for a complete defunding of ICE
19 Reply- Opinion Owner+1 y
I blame the media. If they media was reporting this like they would have reported it under trump then many more people would be alarmed
- +1 y
They reported the shit out of it under Trump
- Opinion Owner+1 y
We as a country should be embarrassed that this type of media has risen to such prominence. We need something like the French Revolution or the Russian revolution where the masses rise up and overthrow these media masters. these media monarchs, these cnn czars
- +1 y
Fox is the only major one that isn’t owned by some liberal asshole
- Opinion Owner+1 y
Lately I have been surprised by CNBC. They are still not conservative but also not as biased as the NY Times, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, HuffPost.
Fox is probably the most watched. NPR news (not NPR opinion or content) is less biased than I initially expected it to be - +1 y
I’ve found fox to be the most fair and balanced
- Opinion Owner+1 y
- Opinion Owner+1 y
The left loves to denigrate it and call it faux news. They are enraged because it has the highest viewership, surpassing cnn and msnbc
- +1 y
I know
No clue, this has been an issue since the Obama administration.
20 ReplyWhy did they blame him for 4 successful years in office, there is your answer.
10 Reply- +1 y
Because liberals are all smarter than you and they have Chick Magnet on their phone.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38nnPIvpeoQ&ab_channel=JustAGuyProduction00 Reply 17.9K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Yeah, Biden is screwing over immigrants at the border and keeping kids in cages. He’s unscrewing Trump’s fuckup but he’s taking too long and should be criticized for it.
Every family effected by Trump’s separation policy should be immediately reunited and given amnesty to the most Trumpian town.03 Reply- +1 y
We didn’t have a problem at the border under Trump
- +1 y
So are you. You didn’t have an answer for Biden being an immigration fuckup so deflected using Covid
- Anonymous(25-29)+1 y
So trumptards are worried about a burden on tax payers now that a dem is president?
Were you upset about the burden on tax payers when trump was running trillion dollar deficits and added $2 trillion in debt with tax cuts for the rich that did nothing for the economy?225 Reply- +1 y
Those tax cuts factually did do a lot though. I try to remain apolitical when it comes to economics. He worked a lot of expansionary fiscal policy and it worked well. When you provide tax cuts for corporations, it allows for firms to hire more people and grow faster, thus leading to higher employment and competitive pay. Democratic fiscal policy has had its place throughout American history, but a federal minimum wage, higher taxes on corporations all serve a purpose of contracting the economy rather than stimulating it. Which I needed at times. Implanting Bidens tax plan right now would collapse the entire economy. This is why little of his plan is being implemented anytime soon.
- +1 y
A rise* in federal minimum wage
- +1 y
The rich in this country are the entrepreneurs, and they treat and look at money through business rather than from a personal perspective. When you “tax” the rich, you tax the corporations. You’re not actually taking money away from people like Jeff Bezos. You take money from Amazon in that scenario. Jeff Bezos left now, but this is simply to illustrate a point.
- +1 y
It did a lot for the economy
- +1 y
Hey anon don’t mention the deficit. Look what Biden and his democratic cronies just did to it
- Opinion Owner+1 y
@Not_Average corporations used the tax cuts for stock buy backs, they didn't hire people. companies hire more people when they get more business, not because they get a tax break. quit regurgitating reich wing propaganda and think for yourself.
50 years of data prove that tax cuts for the rich don't trickle down, don't stimulate the economy, and only help the rich get richer. See study below. I'm hoping your response will include a post a legitimate study from a credible source proving they do trickle down, and stimulate the economy.
eprints.lse.ac.uk/.../...or_tax_cuts_published.pdf - Opinion Owner+1 y
Are you referring to the covid relief package necessary because trump fucked up his pandemic response so bad. lol. ok, I'll be sure not to mention that.
- +1 y
Don’t mention the deficit. Look what Biden did to it. Seems you really don’t give a fuck about the deficit as long as it’s a democrat inflating it. My question wasn’t about taxes. It’s about your incompetent president and his disaster at the border. You have no defense which is why you keep deflecting
- Opinion Owner+1 y
your question referred to a "huge financial burden on taxpayers" which is what I addressed.
- +1 y
I’m an engineer by day, but I’ve been taking Econ courses online at university just to better educate myself. I can post some print outs of textbooks when I find the time. That’s an opinion piece and while there are constants, it’s a dismal science. The circular flow diagram clearly illustrates that’s money flows from firms to the people. There’s no denying that.
- +1 y
You can see here the Aggregate demand (AD) shifts to the left to (AD1) with contractionary fiscal policy, thus lowering real GDP.
Higher taxation on firms serves as a contractionary force. That's not what the economy needs right now considering the goal is to stimulate and get the velocity of money to a higher rate.
- +1 y
This is really econ101 here, but clearly every part of our economy feeds off of households and households feed off firms. To say they are not all interconnected it factually false. - +1 y
There are benefits to stock buybacks, and every firm has their own strategy of growth. It benefits the firm as it can create growth if it's applied correctly. Also, almost all Americans are investors given the 401k.
www.investopedia.com/.../...investors-buybacks.asp - +1 y
@Not_Average no my question Biden housing them in the US instead of not allowing them to cross the border is a huge burden on taxpayers. Someone has to pay for it. You liberals think you can keep taxing people to pay for your increased spending. This question was about you blaming Trump for Biden fucking up the border. Trump didn’t allow them in
- +1 y
You love hearing yourself talk and your book smarts means nothing to me. On paper socialism is perfect too buts it’s a failure in real life. So is your Econ classes
- +1 y
I’m not a liberal though? I’m a right leaning libertarian lol
- +1 y
@Not_Average sorry I thought you were the op
- Opinion Owner+1 y
@Not_Average It's not an opinion piece, it's a study with 50 years of data supporting the fact that tax cuts for the rich don't stimulate the economy, don't create jobs, and only make the rich richer.
And your response is no research, no evidence, no proof, that tax cuts for the rich trickle down. just irrelevant text book theory that doesn't even address the specific issue of whether or not tax cuts for the rich stimulate the economy and creates jobs. Fail. - +1 y
Trumps tax cuts did create job growth. Remember lowest unemployment in history before Covid? His lifting Obama federal restrictions also created job growth. So you’re wrong
- +1 y
Literally any economist recognizes that tax increases are a contractionary economic tool utilized at particular points of a cycle. They aren’t inherently bad or good. Taxation is a tool to influence the economy in a particular direction. The federal reserve recognizes this. Jerome Powell says these things every press conference. Contractionary economic tools are needed to taper down bubbles without collapsing an entire sector. This economic principle has been recognized since Adam Smith started started the studies of Econ. This is a very basic principal taught at any level of economics. If you want to partake in some petty bullshit in which you outro your sentences with nonsensical jabs such as fail, then I have no desire to continue this. I thought I’d try to seek a constructive conversation without refraining to petty insults, but clearly this cannot be accomplished. The emotional maturity with grown adults is depreciating at a rapid pace and this is one of the major factors as to why there’s so much division. Adults possess an inability to articulate opposing views without insult. It’s a ridiculous concept. How do we critically think through complex issues when our emotion renders all thoughts of logic or comprehension null. It’s impossible.
- +1 y
You’ll continue to call people trumptards and refrain to elementary bully school tactics in an attempt to validate your narrative. Others will respond by trying to put you down for your views. It’s a useless cycle. Continue to cheerlead for a particular side blind to the fact that you’re being manipulated. A lot of republicans fall victim to the same idealogy. We need free thought.
- +1 y
“ Expansionary fiscal policy occurs when the Congress acts to cut tax rates or increase government spending, shifting the aggregate demand curve to the right. Contractionary fiscal policy occurs when Congress raises tax rates or cuts government spending, shifting aggregate demand to the left.”
courses.lumenlearning.com/.../ - Opinion Owner+1 y
@Not_Average We're not talking about tax increases and general textbook theory, the specific issue that you keep dodging is whether tax cuts for the rich stimulate the economy and create jobs. And any credible economist who isn't a fascist partisan hack will say: no.
Again i'll direct you to a study with 50 years of hard data, not academic theory, say tax cuts for the rich do nothing for the economy.
eprints.lse.ac.uk/.../...or_tax_cuts_published.pdf - +1 y
Factually GDP rises with expansionary fiscal policy, which means tax cuts for corporations. There’s an inverse effect. They raise taxes when they want to control rampant inflation and ease down a bubble. Government economist and the fed both fully recognize the tools of raising taxes. You can’t expect me to read a 50 page study. Nor can I expect you to be able to decipher everything written in it. This isn’t just textbook theory. These are constant principles that have been widely recognized by every economist in the world for many years. If you’re battling deflationary measures or unemployment, then you lower corporate taxes as a way to stimulate and increase employment and the velocity of money. Economic markets are cyclical, and therefore one set of economic tools shouldn’t always be implemented. You need a series of tools that combat different issues that arise within an economy. These are categorized as expansionary and contractionary fiscal/monetary policy.
- Anonymous(36-45)+1 y
Even if what you're saying is true, Trump wasted billions with his poor handling of covid . And tax cuts for the rich so who cares.
01 Reply- +1 y
This isn’t about Covid and Biden’s tax increases will not go to Americans it will go to housing illegals
- Anonymous(36-45)+1 y
Corn Pop was a bad dude!
00 Reply 4K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Projection/deflection.
20 Reply- +1 y
Why to liberal blame trump for trumps fuckups? Cause trump is the problem.
06 Reply- +1 y
Not with the border. He didn’t allow them in remember?
- +1 y
So you dismiss all of trumps fuckups and zoom in on one of bidens? WTF!!!
- +1 y
Biden hasn’t done one single thing good for America in his 48 years in the swamp. Remember his segregation policy about schools, his dealings with China, his immigration policy, his being against the Bin Laden raid, his giving money to Iran to not bully anyone, his crime bill I could go on and on. He is the supreme career democrat fuckup
- +1 y
If an alien came from another planet and asked what a fuckup was all I’d have to do is point to Biden and say “that right there, the one running to his basement. That is a fuckup.” If I ever meet him in person I will not call him mr president I will simply call him fuckup
- +1 y
If an alien came from another planet trump would try to grab it by the pussy and sleep with it before divorcing melenia.
- +1 y
I will simply ask “hey fuckup what are you and hairyass gonna fuckup next?”
7K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Because they blame him for everything
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