School bullying serves a useful and important role in society. True or false?

School bullying serves a useful and important role in society. True or false?
Does bullying serve a useful purpose in society? I already know the answer to this question, but let's talk about it.

We've now gone 22 years now without any legitimate verbal school bullying in North American schools (no, "cyberbullying" doesn't count), and what kind of society do we have to show for it? Millennials, rude feminists, simps, and over-opinionated soy boys, all of which might have been useful, productive, respectful members of society had their egos and stupidity been kept in check. The most mentally weak and pathetic people in society have now grown up to become bullies themselves because no one gave them the good ass-kicking or reality check they deserved.

Keep in mind, this doesn't mean ALL people who are bullied "deserve it." Nor does this mean bullies are "the good guys." Some kids are truly innocent and get bullied for no reason. However, others are future-assholes waiting to happen, and bullying sometimes squashed their egos and made them play nice with others.

I just look at it as a natural balance to things. Like a forest fire getting rid of a few too many trees that are damaging the ecosystem. Or like death giving life meaning. Some "bad" things serve a purpose in life.

I don't know about you, but I don't think effeminate soy boys and obese feminists addressing other grown adults as if they can't get the sh*t slapped out of them right then and there, is "progress" in the world. I think too many "adults" in this day and age are rude-but-fragile little cupcakes, who never had to grow humility, empathy, or respect for others.

And yes, someone in high school DID try to bully me. But this was through my clinically depressed phase, and I pinned him against a locker and jammed my elbow into his throat and with unblinking eyes, threatened I'd follow him home and slit his throat in his sleep if he continued to f*ck with me. (I... Wasn't exactly "mentally stable" back then.) But I defended myself, is the point I'm making.
True, verbal bullying in school served a greater societal purpose and kept the social hierarchy balanced.
False, bullying is and always was a bad thing and should never be allowed!
Obligatory "other" option.
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For those who didn't read the description: I am not saying bullying is a "positive" thing. I am saying it serves a purpose for kids growing up and teaches many things: to grow thicker skin, to learn how to be independent, to learn how to defend yourself, to get you to stop being an asshole if you are one, and so on.
School bullying serves a useful and important role in society. True or false?
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