Why don’t men care as much when they’re objectified, whereas women care a lot more? Do you agree with my reasoning below?

I’m not exactly sure, but maybe it’s due to the fact that men like competing and have done it for the existence of humankind.

So, men are open to judgement, betterment, improvement, etc.

Women aren’t as experienced or accustomed to this, so any form of judgement will be seen as negative by them.

Women, a lot of their value revolves around their physical appearance.

Whether perceived or actual value, this has been the case for awhile.

Men? Not so much physical appearance, but value derived from TOTALITY, meaning, if a man cannot attract a woman with his looks, he can attract them with skill, or if not with skill then with resources, or with charm, etc.

Or a combo of all the above.

For women, it’s solely appearance.
Why don’t men care as much when they’re objectified, whereas women care a lot more? Do you agree with my reasoning below?
Why don’t men care as much when they’re objectified, whereas women care a lot more? Do you agree with my reasoning below?
Post Opinion