Will the Supreme Court also overturn gay marriage and gay adoption rights or am I being too optimistic? Will sodomy bans also be permitted again?

In other words will they finally allow states to decide for themselves again about whether or not they allow cultural degeneracy to take place?

Anyways I just genuinely feel bad for adopted kids with gay parents.

But in terms of just gay people being allowed to marry I don’t see why this is a good idea either.

I mean the thought of becoming romantically or sexually involved with another dude just doesn’t interest me so why should I support allowing that arrangement for somebody else?

I don’t see how it helps society either since two gay people are probably just going to start doing stuff together that would disturb most people.

And even if they weren’t I still find it strange. What attraction is there to be had with somebody of the same gender? What’s wrong with a woman? And from an evolutionary sense haven’t gay people always been doomed to fail since they can’t even reproduce?

Either way I can at least understand the attraction that there is with a female’s ass but I still don’t plan on getting my dick involved with the wrong hole.
Will the Supreme Court also overturn gay marriage and gay adoption rights or am I being too optimistic? Will sodomy bans also be permitted again?
Post Opinion