If smoking crack was legal, should pregnant women be allowed to smoke it?

If smoking crack was legal, should pregnant women be allowed to smoke it?
I met a woman who was about 20, and her mom smoked crack daily when she was pregnant with her.

The daughter is messed up beyond belief. She can barely think, learn or even focus. She hates her mom for what she did to her, and completely disowned her.

But her mom never did anything to her, because she wasn’t an actual person. She was just a clump or glob of something. “My body my choice.” Isn’t that how it goes?
Yes, of course. Her body her choice.
No, that's just down right criminal
It's not even a human until it's born
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+1 y
I've deleted three posts on this question. They all attacked me for not wanting mothers to smoke crack while pregnant. If they just stated their views about wanting crack babies, I wouldn't have deleted their posts. But when they launch personal attacks on me... that dog don't hunt.
I know that the mods won't do shit about the bullies on this site, and most of the askers just seem to take it. I'm not one of those.
If smoking crack was legal, should pregnant women be allowed to smoke it?
Post Opinion