Men's rights activitsts are losers, who have dark agendas, are they not?

lots of men like to say we're oppsressed.
that's fucking splitting hairs.
like we still control the world.
we control the wealth.
we're the political and business leaders.
we in lots of countries still legally oppress women.
we're not a minority group!
we're not trans, gays, blacks, women, Jews, disabled people, etc.
we're not subject to organised or systematic` oppression. if so we oppress ourselves.

are there cases where men are hard done by? yes. is that the same as systemic oppression? no. men fight in wars, cos men say so. if men kill ourselves more, then that's not from oppression. for all we know that could be biological. it's like a circular thing - if men are not allowed to express our emotions, then we men say so. nobody else. MRAs are too dim to realise this. but then blame women. looooool. how do women force men to create patriarchy? that makes no fucking sense. are MRAs autistic or something? Because men fighting in wars only occurs because men decided war is a man's thing - men are phyusically stronger and it was seen in many societies to be an honour only bestowed to men.

men's rights started in the 1970s as a petty move to counter feminism. that's a fact.
men's rights is bad optics, and comes from a bad place. as a man, i look down on MRAs because they have no real place or space and no heart. it's all show and some hidden agenda. Like women have been and ARE truly fucked. BLM was cringe but there were issues. Men aren't gunned in the street for being men. men aren't having their rights taken away like in Afghanistan. I do NOT feel as a man that i'm "oppressed" in Western culture. how am I "oppressed"? what is oppression? these MRAs like to split hairs on what oppression is. if a girl turns you down after you ask her out, is that "oppression"? really? it's a setback but not "oppression"!! So yep, i said it. prove to me men are oppressed and prove to me what oppression is.
Men's rights activitsts are losers, who have dark agendas, are they not?
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