Why do we never hear about American pirates in the same way we do about their militia?

The American constitution gives all Americans the legal right to become pitates.
Article I, Section 8:
"The Congress shall have Power... to declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water."
Effectively all this means is you apply for a letter of marque and off you sail to plunder foreign ships. The last time it was issued was to the Resolute in WW2 but I think or could easily be obtained so people can capture Chinese cargo ships or Russian oil tankers.

So given it's the constitutional right for every American to don an eyepatch, pop a parrot on the shoulder and sail the seven seas to the tune of a good shanty, Why do we never hear of modern day American pirates,
Why do we never hear about American pirates in the same way we do about their militia?
23 Opinion