What eye-rolling moment can you think of recently, that best demonstrated to you why certain stereotypes still exist?

From just about every ethnic background imaginable, I've seen how in Florida, many don't even try to defy their most common stereotype. They seem to be proud that they're the reason it exists, no matter how cringe! Maybe it's just that gas stations bring out the worst in every demographic.

What are your stories of someone who fit the type so well, all you could do was mutter "aw, crap, they DO exist!" under you breath?

Was it that guy in front of you that was overly fond of watermelon and fried chicken, until you were ready to facepalm? The fact that if pizza weren't available that day, every single Mexican in line bought a Semita and a Topo Chico, without fail, one after the other, and all worked the exact same construction job?

Who made you stop and think: "So THAT'S where that awful image came from!" Whose being the reason the stereotype exists was enough to make you blush?

What eye-rolling moment can you think of recently, that best demonstrated to you why certain stereotypes still exist?
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