- Anonymous(30-35)+1 y
As a white guy I'll tell you how I feel about this and what I see among other whites as well. The black community in the US has serious problems. They are problems that are a result of black American culture here, and only black Americans are going to be able to solve those problems. But there is also a very deeply ingrained victim mentality among blacks, and they tend to blame everyone else for their problems and refuse to take any ownership for them. Whites here are just sick and tired of being blamed for your issues. We didn't cause them and we can't solve them for you. Only you can solve them.
Yes, black men are given a pass by society. They commit violent crimes at rates far higher than the rest of the population. For example, black men, who account for roughly 7% of the US population, commit almost half of the murders in the US. As a result, they interact with police at much higher rates. They tend to resist arrest more than other and they end up getting hurt or killed by police more than others. But they are not held accountable for that behavior as a group because our liberal society sees them as victims of oppression. When a black man gets killed by police, people automatically assume he is a victim of racism and that he did nothing wrong. We see this sort of thing in the news almost every day.
I'll give you a real life example of why this is so frustrating to the rest of us. Growing up I had a friend who had a younger brother with health issues. Their parents were very overprotective of the younger brother and let him get away with sooo much more than they should have. He would do all kinds of things and never get in trouble for them. He would destroy his older brothers things, hit him, call him names and generally act like a spoiled little brat, but the only one who ever got in trouble was my friend, the older brother. The younger brother is now an adult and he has already spent time in jail and is constantly in trouble with the law because he never learned to be accountable for his actions and behavior.
I'm sharing all of this because black Americans are like the little brother, and American society, and especially liberal Americans, are like the parents in this story. Until black Americans stop being "victims" and blaming everyone else for their problems, and start being accountable for their behavior, they will never get the respect others get, because they haven't earned it. Only blacks can fix their culture, and that is what it will take to rise above the chronic issues blacks face today.
Unfortunately, black women are "guilty" by association, although they have their own problems and are part of the bigger problem black Americans have with their culture. But you are not seen as victims to the degree black men are because you're not out committing violent crimes and consequently being killed by police. You need to start holding your men accountable and stop having children with men who are not worthy and won't be good husbands and fathers. Only you can change that.
22 Reply- Asker+1 y
They don't listen to us about not destroying our communities then actually cry about being victims and blame their mothers for why they do crime. I date outside my race my partner is a white male
- +1 y
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10.2K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Because Black women issues are just everyday woman issues.
01 Reply- AskerNew +1 y
They aren't. not when our rates of dv, the occurrence of s/a or r rates are higher.
What Girls & Guys Said
- Anonymous(45 Plus)+1 y
All I ever really see on news is angry, black women attacking other people. Climbing through the drive-they window to beat up an employee. Two angry black women robbed a store maybe about a week ago. Hit the clerk in the head w a brick.
112 Reply- Asker+1 y
Well I haven't seen that...
- Asker+1 y
What have you seen about black men?
- Opinion Owner+1 y
Trust me it’s all over. This isn’t just from my state either. I can’t say I’ve met every black person in the world, but the majority of them that I’ve worked w or seen interacting w others were rude. I think two out of the 7 black people that I work w are actually very nice. The rest are rude, throw race around a lot especially when they don’t want to work.
https://youtu.be/emaIVF-vkvI - Opinion Owner+1 y
Actually I’ve seen a lot w black men as well. I’ve lived in the same neighborhood for 14 years. W in the last year or so a couple streets over, nearest the freeway, has gotten a lot of African Americans moving in. Both of the QT stores I don’t even go to anymore because you’ll see some of them just standing on the outside of the store smoking crack pipes. No care in the world. W in the last 6 months 4 people were shot, 3 died, one survived. Suspects were of black descent. I worked in the prison for 7 years, out of all the races we got the most trouble from them. I’m just being honest in what I’ve encountered. No need to make up lies. You asked so I’m responding.
- Asker+1 y
I hear you it's not surprising almost everyday in my city someone is murdered and the suspect is usually a black male
- Opinion Owner+1 y
I don’t know what to say to that. I feel it’s a cultural thing. I could be wrong but no other races are even remotely close to this type of behavior. It’s sad.
- Opinion Owner+1 y
Why do you ask this question?
- Asker+1 y
Yes the music is horrible everyone wants to be a famous baby mama and every male wants to be a thug and rapper
- Opinion Owner+1 y
So am I correct in assuming you’re black? I’m not saying that’s a bad thing. I just ask because I’d like to know what you’re really concerned about? Like yourself in general or the black race as a whole?
- Asker+1 y
I am black, yes. I'd like to know how other races view us and we have a horrible rep 🙂
- Opinion Owner+1 y
Well there’s the part that you mentioned w a lot of them wanting to be thugs, gangsters. Loud a lot of times, I’ve had that encounter in movie theaters before. A lot of times things turn into racial situations even though they weren’t to begin w. But a lot of people feel that a lot of blacks use that as their way of getting out of trouble, w out owning responsibility for what they did. The men tend to try to be hard. There is a lot of things. Let me say that I myself am not white. I am Native American. If you know a little of Native American history you would know that we have been through a lot of bs like African Americans, maybe even worse w the genocide of millions of Native Americans. We remember that stuff, we still speak up, but we don’t use that as an excuse to commit crimes knowing that I did something wrong but using that as my way of trying to get out of trouble. That’s what I’ve noticed a lot w black people.
- Opinion Owner+1 y
Let me rephrase that. Our ancestors have been through a lot. Not me or even one person I know of that’s native Americans have been through what happened to our ancestors. So I won’t use that as my excuse to do whatever the hell I want to do.
Black women’s issues are pedestalized and fetishized by other groups of women who make more noise.
09 Reply- +1 y
- Asker+1 y
How is that our fault that they pedestaloze it? It's all performative. We d*e and are trafficked, hurt, harmed and no one cares. So what are they really doing?
- Asker+1 y
The most frustrating part is our male counterparts are doing so but we can't be loud because the world victimizes them so they can never be at fault.
- Asker+1 y
Yes ^^^ omg white women having been comparing colorism to being a blonde vs brunette. Just dye your hair Sarah, I'm so sick of them this is just one example.
- +1 y
In that case I completely agree.
There's nothing liberal white women love more than to get sympathy. No matter who has problems they either have to have it worse, or else they're gonna join them and try to march along side black people and claim to be opressed too. - Asker+1 y
Thank you ^^^
- Anonymous(25-29)+1 y
We have had black issues AND women's issues shoved down our throats while no one is willing to talk about the rest of the human populations issues. What could black women be facing that we haven't already spoken ad nauseum?
08 Reply- Asker+1 y
Shut up you really thought you did something 🤣🤣
- Opinion Owner+1 y
I never said I did anything. I asked what are black women facing that hasn't been talked to death about black AND women's issues?
- Asker+1 y
They talk about black men the whole blm movement is centered around the men! That's the issue whether it was justified or unjust they make them seem like victims. While black women and children are being targeted by the same men who have been made victims
- Asker+1 y
Jon benet Ramsey is still highly talked about what about the little black girls that go missing daily, and the women by the hands of their own men?
- Opinion Owner+1 y
The BLM part is mostly true, the couple exceptions are Breonna Taylor and that one girl I forgot the name of who was shot because the cop thought she was going to stab another lady and BLM flipped their shit over that.
The rest of this stuff is women's issues which is essentially war propaganda against half of the population, like what you said for example. Maybe you should be asking why BLM and the media aren't addressing this issue and why there might be so many deranged men who would do such horrible acts. - Asker+1 y
Don't you see that when it's not a WOC she doesn't matter as much? It's not EVERY woman's issue and EVERY woman isn't being killed every few hours like black women are. It's not propaganda when you have seen it
- Asker+1 y
To hell with blm! They won't change and they don't care the crime rate has already gotten higher
- Opinion Owner+1 y
Again, the only way to solve that problem is to ask why it's underrepresented and what is causing the problems? Nothing will change unless we find the root cause and it's not men because derangement is NOT their default state. Something is causing it.
- +1 y
Black women’s issues are just as important as other coloured men’s issues.
12 Reply- +1 y
@d3n0939 the heck did I do?
- Anonymous(25-29)+1 y
Oh, so black women deal with the same problems that everyone else does? 😴
17 Reply- Asker+1 y
Problems like? The hood is a literal hell hole if your not from there you possibly couldn't relate.
- Opinion Owner+1 y
I'm only going off of the examples you listed. I see nothing that only black women deal with.
- Asker+1 y
"people call bw angry and strong" assuming you're a white male are white females offing you every couple of hours as well. Then hopping on the internet to blame you for the reason why their lives are bad?
- Opinion Owner+1 y
That would be a stereotype. Black women are not the only people who deal with stereotypes/generalizations.
- Opinion Owner+1 y
I'm a straight white man. I'm literally Satan according to people online lol.
- Asker+1 y
Lol tbh I only hear that from your women
- Opinion Owner+1 y
I'll agree with you there lol
- +1 y
Insecure white men, Karens, thug life blacks, black women. Which victim group/negative stereotype have I forgotten?
00 Reply - +1 y
You are asking this on the wrong site, full of people that won’t answer seriously
00 Reply - Anonymous(36-45)+1 y
11 Reply- Asker+1 y
? Why
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