Is Russia owned by the Rothschilds too?

No offense is intended, there is some harshness to all conspiracy theories, so I recommend for the weak minded to only read this for entertainment. But I am serious about this question. When some trillionaire has the name that sounds like an occult order, "Rothschild", it's already sounding conspiratorial.

Are the three crowns on top of two heads symbolizing some holy trinity?
Are the three crowns on top of two heads symbolizing some holy trinity?
Rothschild Family Coat Of Arms
Rothschild Family Coat Of Arms

Then we see that their flag had a dragon holding a stick in one foot, and a ball in another foot (Which looks like one of the Attis's chopped balls we hang on Christmas trees.) Just like the alchemical androgyne holds a long sword in one hand and a round crown in the other. As if a lingam and a yoni.

Is Russia owned by the Rothschilds too?

Reminds me of George Washington's obsession with androgyny. Like he had a monument named after him that looks like two giant organs interlocked.

Is Russia owned by the Rothschilds too?

Him doing the baphomet pose, and standing on top of a dragon like the alchemical androgyne.

Is Russia owned by the Rothschilds too?
Is Russia owned by the Rothschilds too?

Which leads many of us to think he was gender swapped with his masculine wife

Is Russia owned by the Rothschilds too?

So, did the Rothschilds create the Russia's coat of arms just like they ordered their hexagram which equals 666 to be the flag of Israel?

Is Russia owned by the Rothschilds too?

If so, was my wifeband's question questioning Putin's masculinity reported wrongfully?

1 y
10 minutes and no opinions. Ok I will announce it that IT IS NOT their official coat of arms. But I got tired of my valid posts being removed so I had to mix some disinformation which is the recipe for getting it promoted.
1 y
Was just told "nobody believes this" but all that means is people have their heads up their asses. Aside from the excuse to repost the same censored content under a new question, rothschilds do have a lot with the royaltiess and vatican. The pope who said "buy vaccines, not guns" has not only armed guards, but the same 6660inch tall obelisk protecting him as in washington.
Is Russia owned by the Rothschilds too?
Post Opinion