- 1 y
I've long ago left conventional Roman Catholic religion and for over half a century researched and independently verified the processes (think rituals) that empower exotic 'verboden' 'Magick' and relationship to One's Maker.
There are TWO pragmatic folk expressions that apply; FOREMOST "There are None so blinded as Those who WILL not 'see' and the second the crudely candid "Shit! ... or go 'blind' ". (If you truly KNEW you'd lose bowel control SO instead you keep you head down, don't question and meekly just follow the herd!)
'Sheeple'' keep their heads down, ... never even consider questioning 'dogma' & doctrine. Never consider the 'why' BEHIND the "Thou shalt NOT"s.
They dutifully get milked and sheared; titheing their 'theocratic bureaucracy' (because 'GOD' and 'WE' say so). Their 'guilt'-driven mentality is weekly reinforced. So pervasive is their inculcated DESIRE to be an accepted part of the herd, ... the flock that they ELECT to LIVE the flawed Nuremberg defense: "I vas only vollowink oarders" when their time comes to stand in judgement before their Creator.
Comparatively speaking, physical life is short... Eternity is limitless; mistakes potentially dour! "If I'd only knew..." doesn't cut it.
You were given 'free will' and the obligation to exercise it!
To Traditionalist Conservatives I'm viewed as exotic, radical and foolish... the same might be the perspective of the instinctually obedient European Lemmings... of those rodents who DON'T leap to their deaths from cliffs to swim in search of long-gone land bridges every four years.
Right or wrong I CHOOSE to be 'crazy like a fox' and having personally researched and subjectively EXPERIENCED the 'mechanics' underlying the ancient pagan folk wisdoms.
The folk balladeers Simon & Garfunkel oft sang: "... Take my hand that I might REACH you, ... hear my words that I might TEACH you... But, my words like silent raindrops fell; and echoed in the wells of Silence."00 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
- 1 y
Seeing so many people saying "yes" in the comments makes me wonder about my environment, lol! Tbh, I also feel like people don't take me as seriously as it should be some times but I understand that:
A) Some people are just idiots and we should ignore them
B) Some times you're having fun and people are joking around so they don't take you "seriously" because you cannot be "serious" at the moment
C) Some times we crossing "not been taken seriously" with "people do not trust us enough". For example, when you give someone an advice and they don't do it, it's not that they don't take you seriously and that they think that you are immature and a kid but they may have so many reasons to not trust this and do it.
00 Reply
Not more than most girls my age I guess, at work, I am the second youngest in the group and I get treated like everybody's niece or daughter or granddaughter, they mostly love me but it is a little patronizing, however I don't mind bc I am not planning to try to turn my job into a career so it is comfortable just having everybody like me. I am a "project coordinator" but I feel like a secretary.
In social settings a lot of guys just approach me as a girl to flirt with or whatever, the deepest relationships I have are with my family, my girlfriends and my fiance and his family. I get approached and talked with a lot in nearly all situations by all types of people. I have had friends or, for example my brother talks about feeling invisible or ignored, I guess I would rather have too many people talk to me than not enough talk to me.00 Reply
- 1 y
I am instantly taken less seriously. I am less legitimate. I am glad if my class can provide more breathing room for students, lots of other ways women are treated less favourably and taken less seriously in the workplace. I am taken less seriously, ignored and taken advantage of. Anything I post here should not be taken seriously. I've got 8 months of pent up frustration.
14 Reply- 1 y
The world can be a cold place. Especially for certain demographics of people.
That is definitely true. the world has advanced a lot but it is still so so far behind
- 1 y
It absolutely is. I can only hope for improvement as time goes on.
it will come, I have hope
What Girls & Guys Said
- 1 y
All the time. I am generally a soft spoken person. Talking in a lighter tone as in my head when I am hearing myself. What most would consider normal talking level, sounds as if I am shouting to me. A raised tone for others, screaming to me.
Then the fun one is when people come to me for advise, then do everything opposite of what I said then try to bitch me out for the results. I told you almost to a T how things would play out. You chose not to listen.
My night last night, being a perfect example. However, that is a story for another time. Just let me know if you would like to hear it.
10 Reply - s1 y
yes people think I’m nice and easy to push around when in reality… I just don’t care enough to engage in childish pettiness. however when they see me serious… they won’t like it😁
11 Reply- 1 y
Big mistake in their part.
Yes I am taken less seriously for sure. I’m a male who was born intersex so I have prominent feminine physical characteristics and a small and shorter than the average male. Because of this, especially by other males I don't know, I’m looked down at or yea just not taken seriously. It can be VERY frustrating especially in the workplace and cause, well guys can be assholes lol
10 Reply- 1 y
Ohh Absofreakinglutely and the worst part about that is, when things do happen, they all complain and cry and say things like (I wish I knew, I wish someone would of told me that earlier). Well guess what, I have been saying and I have been warning for a long time and now when it actually physically happened and they physically feeling it, they are blaming everything and everyone but themselves.
00 Reply - 1 y
Yes and no. I understand not everyone is going to respect me, nor like me or take me serious but I can't control that.
I try to take myself serious by the way I conduct myself and respect myself to give the impression to others I'm not a damn joke or where they think they can disrespect me willingly and I would tolerate it.
10 Reply - 1 y
No. Usually when not with friends, I stay in the background unless I have something important to say. So people will be like 'Fay is speaking?' And everyone will listen to me and take me seriously. I love it.
10 Reply - 1 y
I'm surprised whenever I am taken serious, I usually don't take myself too seriously since I rather have fun.
10 Reply - u1 y
people do so... when I am serious
but many times and especially here, I do not take myself so seriously, lol10 Reply 904 opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Absolutely, people think less of me because of my previous profession.
11 Reply- 1 y
What do you do?
4.5K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. No probably the opposite. Most people I know give my opinions and words more weight than they should probably. 🤣 But I do appreciate the respect.
10 ReplyDefinitely. I don't know why people are so dismissive of me, considering how credentialed I am, but it's kind of cringe.
10 ReplyLiterally everyday by people. Women more than men.
10 Reply995 opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. No, not at all. I am given respect.
And when I'm not, I exit, just won't interact further.
00 Reply- 1 y
Yes, I do.
I was born with cerebral palsy on my right side and I can't get management to look past my disability even though I can do the job they won't give me a chance. I'm getting tired of proving myself and not getting anywhere.
00 Reply 14.5K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. No, at this stage of my life I don't even take myself seriously,
00 Reply3.3K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Nope. I’m good with that.
10 Reply- Anonymous(25-29)1 y
Not as much as I used to be but more than I'd like at times
00 Reply - 1 y
Less serious by ma family
10 Reply 4.5K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. No, I don't care what others think
10 ReplySometimes; and particularly at work.
00 Reply- 1 y
I think I am but I don’t really care
10 Reply - 1 y
00 Reply - 1 y
Do you?
Honestly00 Reply 328 opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Sometimes.
00 Reply- Anonymous(45 Plus)1 y
00 Reply
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