Why do you leftist want to keep putting money into education if the education system and a lot of teachers are doing these toxic things?

I've observed and scene that a lot of schools have real problems that are the board and director fault and some of these are just most, a lot or some teachers doing this, but it effects the kids and ill tell you why. These are facts and opinions.

1. Coddling bullies, just because there poor or whatever. Never brave enough to punish them. Fact.

2. Mistreat troubled kids, and force them on bad drugs.

3. Teach kids wrong information. Fact.

4. Dont teach kids good financial decision making skills. Fact. Undeniable.

5. Not teaching black kids the right black history, and lying to them. Fact. Undeniable. The arrogant liberals who think they know everything and can never be wrong and always silence opposition.

6. Are proven to be horrible and helping Autism and adhd kids. And there's a lot of assholes that get to be teachers in special needs classes.

7. Pick favorites.

8. Teach kids contradictory values. "Stick up for yourself, you let people mistreat you" and "be the bigger person never stand up for yourself.

which is connected to

9. Blame the victim

10. Telling young girls there career is all there life is about and where they will find fulfillment, and giving them unrealistic expectations on careers and that they need to do this amount and "Do it all" and not accept help from men. which puts too much pressure on young women.

11. Tell them free speech should be stifled.

12. Encourage individuality and being yourself and creativity, but not if your different, or dont agree with them, or if oyur autistic or adhd they told you to mask for so long and do they still do that now?

Not actually helping kids learn and be able to stand up for themself.

Im just saying man, I dont understand why you would give money when tehres so many obvious problems that aren't being fixed.

Why do you leftist want to keep putting money into education if the education system and a lot of teachers are doing these toxic things?
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