Are blacks a privileged race or a superior race? If blacks are a privileged race is that because they deserve it and if not, whose fault it it?

Are blacks a privileged race or a superior race? If blacks are a privileged race is that because they deserve it and if not, whose fault it it?

Privileges and apparent privileges that blacks have:

· It is well know that the percentage of blacks in the NBA and NFL is much greater than their percentage of the population. However, that is based on talent so that is probably deserving.

· Blacks are in about 50% of advertisement but blacks are only 15% of the population and the number of black in movies is greater than 15%. Is that because blacks are also superior actors.

· In advertisement, you often see stupid white men but you never see a stupid black man. Why is that?

· Blacks are admitted to Harvard and other Ivy League college with lower test scores than Asians and whites. It that a privilege?

· Blacks have the NAACP. Are whites allowed to form a national association for the advancement of white people?

· Apparently it is permissible for blacks to have a Congressional Black Caucus. Is it permissible for whites to have a Congressional White Caucus?

· More than a third of food stamp benefits — over $10 billion per year — are issued to African-Americans. Based on their percentage of the population, that is 2.5 times what whites receive. Is that because blacks are privileged, is it because blacks are highly intelligent and know how to game the system, or is it because blacks are lazy and/or have lower intelligence?

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A primary reason that blacks are privileged is because not only almost all blacks but most whites believe blacks deserve privileges, will attack anyone with terms such as racist that suggest otherwise, and are quick to defend any black person. Conversely, few, if any, people believe whites should have any privileges, nor will they defend whites and never white males.
Are blacks a privileged race or a superior race? If blacks are a privileged race is that because they deserve it and if not, whose fault it it?
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