Guys, Can you explain this to me?

Guys, Can you explain this to me?

If trans women (biological men) are allowed to compete in women's sports, shower with women (biological women), etc... Then why are trans men in America (biological women) being denied the joy of being drafted into wars? Not only does it not seem fair to the trans men, it's grossly bigoted. Why is the American government being so transphobic?

Anyone who's paying attention, realizes that things are not good. Things are very bad. China, Iran and Russia are forming an alliance. America doesn't stand a chance against China, let alone the alliance. America won't put boots on the ground in Iran or China, but we will in Ukraine. Biden is a classic sociopath, just like Bush and Cheney.

So if young men are sent to get their arms and legs blown off by Joe, why not invite the trans young men to the party?

So in a nutshell, young men are required to register with the Selective Services System, but trans men are exempt.

Guys, Can you explain this to me?
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