Serious question for Americans: Is LEGAL immigration still a thing?

Serious question for Americans: Is LEGAL immigration still a thing?

The reason I ask, is because I chat with friends from all over the world. Some want to come to America, and some don't. But for those who do, I've always told them it would be better to play by the rules. I tell them they might be waiting in line for years, pay a lot of money, and fill out a lot of ridiculous forms. They will also have to undergo a medical check to make sure they're not bringing a disease into the country, and also undergo an FBI background check to make sure they're not a criminal.

But now I'm thinking I'm giving the wrong advice.

Serious question for Americans: Is LEGAL immigration still a thing?

I would never recommend they fly to Mexico and cross, because it's extremely dangerous. But I think that flying to Canada and just walking across would be a good idea. Also, why not just get a tourist visa like the 911 terrorists did, and just never leave? Is that still illegal?

I just want to give the best advice I can.

Serious question for Americans: Is LEGAL immigration still a thing?
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