Guys, What do you expect out of a president?

Guys, What do you expect out of a president?

I was having lunch with my dad and evil step mom. The night before, I was watching Newt Gingrich. He said that if social security was managed privately, everyone would retire as millionaires. But as it stands, the Democrats keep robbing the SS fund for their pet projects. When a Republican objects to the theft, the Dims accuse the Republicans of wanting to reduce SS benefits. lol They don't want to reduce the benefits, they just want to reduce the theft of the benefits.

So my evil step mom said she would never vote for Newt, because he once cheated on his wife. So this is what I want from a president...

1. Keep us safe.

2. Control the porous border.

3. Bring jobs back to America.

4. Term limits. One and done.

5. Be able to pass a cognitive ability test.

6. Not be a previous politician. Politicians shouldn't be allowed to run for a political office.

7. Don't cave to the climate change idiots.

8. Be in favor of nuclear power.

9. No more wars that don't directly affect the safety of the USA.

10. No more being the police of the world. Europe should take care of Ukraine.

11. Be willing to declare English as the official language of the USA.

12. Strive for energy independence.

13. Understand and abide by the constitution. Paying off student debt is a crime.

What say you?

Guys, What do you expect out of a president?
4 Opinion