Should we enact laws regarding lithium batteries to protect lives?

It appears there are real hazards to lithium batteries in that they can catch fire, the fires burn very hot, are difficult to control requiring 1000's gallons of water and special equipment. Doesn't take much to have a damaged battery, faulty battery, charging issue, or low quality battery... igniting a fire.

Doing so in a house, condo, apartment where people sleep... results in deaths.

Implicated in sinking a ship full of expensive cars... are they covering up the truth of the dangers of these batteries?

Issue with fumes from fires...

Should we enact laws regarding lithium batteries to protect lives?

As society forces more e-cars, and possibly only ecar sales (proposal in various states), it means more opportunity for problems.

It's probable that some people are going to suffer and die because of the hazards caused by lithium batteries. Enacting laws and controls can help mitigate such suffering.

For example:

* Do not park such cars inside garages. only outside.

Standards for quality and periodic testing of batteries

* Require fire departements to have tools and resources. May include requiring deeper retention ponds for more water, equipment purchases...

* insurance costs... you will be paying for all of this.


Should we enact laws regarding lithium batteries to protect lives?
Post Opinion