In view of the isolationist sentiments brewing in the American public, is the American public ready to make the necessary efforts to dissuade China?

Contrary to what Mr. Biden said, I don't think the US can fight on 3 fronts at the same time.

The US no longer has the same capabilities as it did in the Second World War. In fact, China's industrial capacity is greater than that of the USA and its allies combined.

It is important that the USA devote maximum resources to deterring China.

To do this, Europeans need to devote more resources to their defense. In fact, Europeans have more than enough resources to deter Russia. If they are willing to make the effort.

Allowing the USA to devote sufficient resources to the Indo-Pacific.

Does this mean the US should abandon NATO? Absolutely not.

The real question is whether Americans are ready for the government to devote more economic resources to their armies and to the Indo-Pacific?
In view of the isolationist sentiments brewing in the American public, is the American public ready to make the necessary efforts to dissuade China?
In view of the isolationist sentiments brewing in the American public, is the American public ready to make the necessary efforts to dissuade China?
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