Economy? Human Rights? Racism? Trans Rights? Sexism? Abortion Rights? What is the main reason you choose to vote?
- 1 mo
Making American Politics Boring & Normal & Something WE Don’t Have To Collectively and Constantly Bite My Nails Paying Attention To.
2016 I supported Trump even though I was too young to vote I mistakenly got family, friends and others excited to vote him in… 2020 & 2024 Haven’t gone back. Haven’t gone back.
I believe in an America where compassion, kindness, and dignity goes a longer way than spite, revenge, and chaos. I believe in an America where truth, honesty, and fact checking makes us more unified rather than eating up Conservative & Progressive talking points / what we want to hear. I believe in an America where the rich can succeed where it doesn’t come at the expense of the working class. I believe Americans as a collected majority don’t want politicians to chokehold progress & opportunities for the little guy over personal vendettas, jealousies, or petty political vengeance / oppression of those they don’t see eye to eye with.
I’m voting for Kamala Harris & Tim Walz for those reasons. Their policy, words, and actions all align in what they’re striving towards. Trump is only out for himself.
Tax breaks (taxes decreased under Tim Walz), Child Tax Credit (increased under Tim Walz), 15 week Paid Parental leave for Amazon Warehouse Workers, Hospital & Nursing Home Staff, and School Faculty, Increasing Minimum Wage, etc.(all Under Tim Walz)
Now let’s talk about Kamala Harris’ record: Chips And Science Act for Technology Based Manufacturing Jobs (Microchips To Out Compete China), Pact Act for Millions of Veterans to receive the benefits they deserve for putting their life on the line every day for our freedoms, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (Helps rebuild our Infrastructure), and so much more.
Kamala Harris promises to reintroduce this bill:
Bipartisanship, Cooperation, and Meaningful Discussion over party lines goes a long way. That is why Democrats 2021 were able to pass MORE with LESS majority in a split Senate & a close tight House of Reps. Republicans in 2017 were not able to pass major legislation like Obamacare Repeal & Infrastructure “Week” because yes they did have MORE Majority in Senate & Congress than Democrats in 2021 though they lacked a man who saw the country and a man who lacked bipartisanship. If Trump reached across the aisle Democrats would’ve helped save his failing bills though Biden was able to because he convinced enough Republicans to reach across the aisle to pass it since he had the decades long connections from being in the Legislative Branch of Fed Govt which Kamala Harris knows a little bit about unlike Trump.
01 Reply- 1 mo
Nothing is more frightening than your leader saying “people are dying that’s true it is what it is” while you lose family & friends….
If you defend him like ‘he didn’t know’, “This is more deadly than even the most strenuous flus. I’ve always played it down, didn’t want to create a panic”.
Imagine the officers having to fight off & defend the Capitol and themselves from an assault that was the President’s doing. Mike Pence was the one who called the National Guard according to Trump’s own top general. Mike Pence defended his decision too. In addition, Trump during the debate ADMITTED he knew that chaos would attack the Capitol yet still provided the buses to his supporters to get to the Ellipse, still told his people to go to the Capitol, and still Tweeted threats.
Guilty on all 34 counts of falsifying business records to fool the banks towards a reimbursement for a “legal expense” which if the banks knew were for an NDA they wouldn’t have given Trump Organization the money. The motive for the reimbursement was to keep Stormy Daniels quiet for the upcoming election and wanted to do it in as secret / hidden as possible. Found civilly liable for rape & sexual assault. Trump chose to settle total $25 million to studnets he frauded in Trump University real estate seminars. Broke the Emoluments Clause via Saudi Arabia Golf Tournament deal hosted at Trump Golf Course with Presidential Seal used. Cannot do business in New York for years to come and had to pay over $150 million in damages. His influence on election lies cost Fox News $787.5 million in settlements. The list goes on.
Most Helpful Opinions
- 22 d
It's a FUNDAMENTAL human right.
It's your Right to an opinion, a choice, and a voice. Something that billions of people living under authoritarian regimes can only dream of.
It is therefore your duty to vote.
If you can't choose who to vote for, spoil it, but for God's sake, when you're asked to, go VOTE.
00 Reply
- 1 mo
The ratio of BBCs in my gaybourhood to number of rареs. ᅠ
11 Reply
Abortion rights, protecting minorities and keeping an elderly psychopath out of the White House so he can do as little damage as possible to the world
02 Reply
- 1 mo
Economy, rights, to make abortion illegal, gun rights, secure border, so we have a president that puts America first, etc.
40 Reply
9.5K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Abortion rights. You don't fuck with peoples bodily autonomy
00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
- 23 d
To try to elect leadership whose guiding light is compassion, not prosperity
01 Reply - 1 mo
Out of what you listed... economy. I would add foreign relations (which doesn't mean being every country's best friend by giving them money), and who's less likely to lead us back into another forever war.
Most of the other reasons you listed sound very effeminate or left-wing to me. I feel like trans, gays, and abortion lovers have plenty of rights... why more? Racism... lady on the streets I only see anti-white racism. Sexism... again I only see it happening to men IRL. Those other reasons like those being pushed makes me not want to vote for whoever is trying to push it.
That's why I vote. I'm tired of these retarded human rights issues that don't bring down the price of my gas, eggs and milk and they don't keep criminals from jumping me just because I'm white off the streets. And that's not racist to say out loud.
12 Reply- 28 d
Are you jelly of my MHO?
- 28 d
@The_Confusion Yes I am. 😂 But there is still hope for me as most of my points get dredged up from the bottom in the form of "superb opinion" which I also did not win here.
I'm nothing but a mass of cope and seeth on this post.
- 1 mo
I love and care about my country. As to a specific issue, for this election it is our border. 7 million people in 4 years? Are you fucking kidding me? Do we have traitors and/or foreign operatives running the country? Well, that has probably ruined the country and there isn't any way to come back from that but the only attempt to even begin to recover is to 100% close the border and not allow anyone in... for years and to deport hundreds of thousands of foreigners who are not citizens... maybe millions of them.
I know the democrats are not going to do that, they are the ones just letting them flood in and they sue Texas every time Texas takes things into their own hands and tries to stop people from breaking into the country.
Those letting this happen are traitors.
20 Reply - 1 mo
My kids. The students I've had. That's #1. I've (my place and time in society more accurately) left the world in worse shape than I found it. That's a hard pill to swallow for someone who has been VERY politically active since a teenager and even been arrested (they insist detained but could not come up with reasonable articulable suspicion of a crime forcing mine and others detainment for more than 20 minutes - a de facto arrest) at protests 2x.
I've actually feel like I failed with one child who tells me he doesn't see the point in voting as it's all a big corporate dog and pony show to manipulate the masses. I DO agree but we disagree as to our ability to change that. 🤷🏽♂️10 Reply - 1 mo
I feel like unless I'm changing a lot of peoples opinions and getting them to vote with me, it's kind of pointless to vote. It's like putting a grain of sand on to a sandy beach. It makes practically no difference.
And people's response to that is always "Well if everyone thinks like you, then that's a lot of votes that are lost." Well that's the thing. I don't control others lives so they would have voted the same regardless. I'll maybe start caring if ever see a vote win or lose by one.
I feel it's mostly older people that say it's a civic duty to vote and we fought for that right.00 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)1 mo
The reasons I choose to vote.
1. I believe America is the greatest most noble most free most prosperous most generous most humanitarian most innovative most charitable most powerful most liberating nation in the history of the human race.
2. I believe that one of our political parties, the Democrat party, which was originally founded as a party representing slave owners, has now become an instrument of the destruction of America.
Therefore my reason for voting is to preserve the greatest nation in the history of the human race and defend it against attempted destruction.
10 Reply I think a more productive direction is to get your passport and residency permit for another country. Get it set up now so you can use it later if you need.
Voting is essentially just wishing on a star and accomplishes nothing. Washington isn't going to change, they don't give a damn about us.21 Reply- 25 d
You describe politicians but trump is a business man!
1.8K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. OK from a UK POV, US Politics are really strange, all loud and in your face (I live there for 10 years so I’ve had deal with it as an outsider). In the UK you rarely discus politics with anyone you know, and your vote is between you and the ballot box.
We take it that if you do not vote then you have no right to criticise what is going on in politics, you freely gave up that right when you refused to vote.
10 Reply- 1 mo
The economy and to prevent the US from having a feminist bitch as president for 4 years.
44 Reply- 1 mo
I already voted Trump for the same reasons. (military voting lets me do it early).
- 1 mo
@V_Injector you're being a white man again.
- 23 d
@The_Confusion I only become a gay black woman when it politically suits me. 😂 🤣
Like when I just want some watermelon with all this pussy.
2.3K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. There is no reason to vote. Whether you vote or not nothing will change.
I'm convinced voting is just an excuse for citizens to register so the government can keep better track of them.
The government is really shitty on keeping notes about people10 Reply- 1 mo
Revelation 18:4 4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
Proverbs 4:27 27 Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil.
As you can see I'm not voting.
05 Reply- 1 mo
- 1 mo
God and Jesus Christ both want us to fight for justice for ourselves and others. Not voting based on that verse means you are giving up. Don't give up. A vote is to fight off bad people.
Don't look to Biden or Trump. Look at the person you are voting for, not the party. The Candidate from your constituency who will affect your life the most and of those who you care about.
In either case, you are cherry picking verses from Bible when there is also the story of Nebuchadnezzar being a ruthless ruler and still being able to subjugate the children of Israel.
- 1 mo
@AmeerX Revelation 17:8
“The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.”
15.8K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. I want to have a strong and prosperous America for my kids and grandkids.
20 Reply- Anonymous(25-29)1 mo
to reduce crime, lower the cost of living and prevent World War III
couldn't give 2 shits about others having hurt feelings or being offended on behalf of others in the name of TDS
30 Reply - 19 d
This country's become an insane asylum and it's LONG since time for the loonies to get back into their cells, where they belong!!
I thought, "Escape From New York" was a fantasy movie, NOT based on real life from the future!!00 Reply 2.3K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Economy. You can’t have much of anything if you are poor. Stupid people will vote for Harris and if she wins, I will laugh at them as they cry about money and the economy. I have enough where I will be fine.
10 Reply- u29 d
I chose to NOT vote, never have...
I've never felt represented by this bipartisan fiasco18 Reply- 23 d
@exitseven what about him, or his policy does represent you?
what are you against?
and what are you in favor of? - 23 d
I have been saying for the last 20 years that we need to bring manufacturing back to America and secure the southern border. There are too many anti business regulations and the deficit needs to be addressed. The government wastes too much money on foreign aid to countries that hate us and useless social programs.
- 23 d
@exitseven if you bring manufacturing back to America that's going to create a new deficit of its own, which is something you say you want addressed
so, one of your wants creates more problems like those you do not want
and it all goes back to the money as well... you will be paying more money for most things made in the USA, and you will also have less money for all the useless things we do like to have and pay
and the last 20 years also included four years of Trump presidency, who did close to nothing substantial to actually solve any of these issues, but yeah, neither side did... not Republicans, not Democrats
because there's one thing the both parties have in common, and that is not... not to serve you as the people, not to address your concerns not to solve your problems as every day people, you and me...
they only serve those at the top who paid their way to the seat - 23 d
@NathanDavis When people have good jobs they can get off welfare and pay taxes. They can afford a new car which give an auto worker a job or buy a new house which creates construction jobs not to mention all the stuff you buy when you move into a new house. All this has a multiplying effect on the economy. This makes the deficit smaller.
In Trump's first term he gave the middle class a tax cut, imposed deficits on some chinese products and instead of a big deficit, the government took in record amounts of revenue.
When you buy a foreign car the money goes to Japan never to be seen again. - 23 d
@exitseven when people have good jobs... << a lot of jobs are not even close to be any good
and many of them are not even full, but half-time jobs that are also underpaid
Trump didn't do any to address this (which is impossible to accomplish in four years anyway)
you say Trump gave tax cuts to the middle class... maybe so, but a little cut in your tax does not solve any true deficit, and does not make your working conditions better, that's just a band aid to an ER situation
to afford a brand new car, does NOT solve any situation either... a car is only good to take you from point A to point B... and a used car will do the same for you, a brand new car comes from as many, or more expenses than a used car... but a used car is way cheaper
buying and making new houses, is not good for the economy of the middle class either, because what you do is to acquire a life time debt, and you also contribute to a bubble market that is a deficit of its own, and it creates an economic crisis more than other kinds of financial issues
so, like I said... yes... you might work one deficit and make it smaller, but in return you create other types of deficits and you're also inflating others
divided governments, bipartisan battles solve nothing... never have, and never will... and voting for either of them is voting for the same bullshit that has the people at the bottom, and the elite at the top - 23 d
Trump brought back over 200,000 manufacturing jobs. some of these were the result of his tariffs on Chinese steel. You are wrong about cars ; houses and debt. Home ownership is good for the country. When people have a stake in their country they are more productive and happier. When you pay rent you just end up with a drawer full of receipts. Used cars eventually die and must be replaced. Mortgages are the way to home ownership which drive other industries.
- 23 d
- manufacturing jobs were promised by many companies, including auto-makers... they never actually did it, and some did it... but still created manufacturing plants in foreign countries to compensate
- home ownership is an illusion, most people don't own a house today, they owe to the bank for decades
- North Korean people only have a stake in their own country, they're not more productive nor happier
- when you pay anything... you should get a receipt either way
- brand new cars are declared total loss after their first road accident, and it also has to be replaced
- mortgages bubble was one of the main factors that imploded and exploded the economy around 2008... that was not so long ago, I am sure you remember it well
- 1 mo
To prevent facism.
And alongside you usually reduce racism, sexism, climatechange, poverty, pollution, ... and all the other bad stuff.03 Reply- 1 mo
Define fascism
- 1 mo
@V_Injector fascism is when people try to reprogram NPCs.
- 29 d
@The_Confusion Jesus Butt fuckking Christ... I think you're correct.
It's like, what fascism is or feminism is in the dictionary doesn't equal what it really is... but your definition of fascism fits the way the NPCs use the word more correctly.
- 22 d
If Trump loses and we don't deport these fucking illegals, the Democrat party will give them all the right to vote and this country will become a one-party state like a woke version of North Korea.
00 Reply - 22 d
Illegals are occupying 2/4 local hotels in my city and the city pays for them to live while the state leaves them here.
I want every single one deported. Fuck Kamala and any open border dumb ass
00 Reply - 1 mo
To try to send away the worse evil and get in the less evil.
10 Reply 8.3K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. This year I voted because I cannot abide Trump or most Republicans. In prior years, I didn't vote because nobody I liked was running, and NOT VOTING is actually a vote for "none of the above".
00 Reply2.3K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. The fight for the future is fought in every lane.
00 Reply743 opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. I've never once voted, because it's a waste of time, in my opinion.
00 Reply312 opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. To pick third party candidates as a way to say "fuck you" to a broken system.
00 Reply504 opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. I vote as a duty to my country, as an upholder of its ideals.
00 Reply9.6K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. The economy and all these horrible rules that the Democrats come up with and I’ve never missed a presidential vote in my life
10 Reply- 19 d
I don't vote, never will, never have.
Humans are a concostion of the same things trying to fix things, my input won;t change anything more than me doing nothing will, I just carry less of a burden or attachment to it.
00 Reply - 1 mo
To show respect to the millions that died just for me to have the right.
20 Reply - 1 mo
I don't. Cause it's nonsense. Whatever you vote, your needs aren't represented either way.
15 Reply- 1 mo
I felt like this until 2016. Everything felt rigged and just equals the same shit anyways. If Hillary would've won... I would have never started voting at all and we'd be feminist trans commies 100% by now. I was convinced it was rigged and there was no way the system would allow anyone other than Hillary win.
- 1 mo
@V_Injector it doesn't matter if it's rigged or not. The result is the same either way cause the 2 parties are the same policy wise.
- 1 mo
Well, I feel it's changed or something that wasn't planned happened and the machine went into damage control... the old trying to keep control basically. But I respect your opinion... I once felt exactly the same.
- 30 d
@V_Injector I don't know what would have changed. i guess it would play into their cards if we thougt so.
843 opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. 😅 I vote for the person in my constituency. The country can go to Kingdom come but the society stays. We need people to survive. Mostly
00 Reply- Anonymous(45 Plus)1 mo
It's my RIGHT to vote. It's my OBLIGATION to vote. It's my responsibility to vote in a CONSERVATIVE and BIBLICAL way. The MORAL values being held by the people I vote for is what gets me the MOST fired up.
10 Reply 1.4K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. To try and help the right person gets in the White House. For all the reasons you listed and many more.
10 Reply- Anonymous(36-45)1 mo
Today, I'd say my top 3 issues are the border, the economy and crime.
20 Reply 1K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. I want to live in a land of good people with a good government
00 Reply7K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. To help keep idea that have proven time and time again from having detrimental effects on a country from taking ahold in government.
00 Reply3.1K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Self-delusion that it will make a difference.
00 Reply- 1 mo
In my country, I only vote for the sake of voting. All of the leaders here suck equally.
12 Reply- 1 mo
Japan? ... and by "sake" to you mean the alcoholic drink?
- 1 mo
I'm from Philippines and if you are from an English country, you should know better about the phrase "for the sake"
- 1 mo
Liberty. Unfortunately very few politicians who actually believe in liberty get nominated.
00 Reply 866 opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. I choose to vote because if I don’t then I have no right to complain
10 Reply- 23 d
The women working at the polling station are all insanely hot.
00 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)1 mo
The right to complain
Regardless of it being your party or the opposition in power00 Reply 390 opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Economy is the main one
10 Reply- 1 mo
I vote to maintain human rights
00 Reply 1.3K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. I don't vote 🤷♀️
01 Reply- 1 mo
Voting is a civic duty.
00 Reply 2.5K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Economy, foreign policy and illegal immigration
20 Reply- 1 mo
Working class economy rights & stabilization
10 Reply - 23 d
TRUMP 2024! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🌊🦖🦖🦆🦆🕊️🕊️🕊️
00 Reply - 1 mo
To make the world better for everyone
00 Reply 334 opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. To make the economy better, and limit immigration.
10 Reply- Anonymous(18-24)1 mo
All those reasons
00 Reply 2.1K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Loaded question much 😂 voting is for pawns
00 Reply- 1 mo
I quit believing in politicians.
01 Reply- 25 d
But see my reply to goahead here. I can't copy it for you, duplicate.
- 22 d
Everything is just to look like an angel.
00 Reply - 1 mo
I probably won’t vote this time
00 Reply - 1 mo
my civic duty
00 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)29 d
To stop the Tories
02 Reply- 25 d
What don't you like about torie?
- Opinion Owner25 d
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