of all the sports I tried to watch, it was watching cyclists
10 Reply
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baseball / golf / and nascar
10 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
Without a doubt, soccer. That is LITERALLY the worst professional sport on the planet, in my opinion. I don't like sports in general, but soccer is the worst, most boring thing ever. Not to mention, not a single soccer player is over six feet tall and 200 lbs (which is why it's so popular worldwide; the tiniest, most malnourished people can excel at soccer; Americans don't like to see everyday people playing sports.) Soccer/FIFA is the most boring sport I can imagine, but baseball is a pretty close second, though. Then golf.
02 ReplyNow , had a quick read , and Im a Golf lover , but can sure understand those who may think its boring... BUT
I challenge anyone to watch Ball by Ball , a 5 Day test match ( Cricket ) which after all that time , still could end in a DRAW
Now , I also love cricket I played cricket and I will have the test match on TV all day , but really just use it as Score / highlights real etc , thats how I watch it. So I vote
TEST MATCH CRICKET ( Big diff between 20/ 20 cricket )
COME ON AUSSIE , COME ON , COME ON..00 Reply- +1 y
Football and Tour de France (cycling) are so boring to me.
I'm sure there are sports more boring, but these are major sports that are hard to avoid - especially when the family likes watching them.20 Reply - +1 y
Golfing. It takes all day, and it's the same thing over and over. Hit the ball, go find it, hit it again until it gets in the hole. I hate it. What I hate more is that my dad is a huge golf fan, watches most of the tournaments, explains the shots to me... so I have a lot in information and understanding on a sport I hate. Like, I've held in depth conversations about the players, their techniques, etc with people and they are like "Oh, you play?" And I'm like "Nope, hate the game with a passion"
00 Reply - +1 y
Cricket. I've tried, but it just isn't happening for me.
50 Reply - +1 y
So many choices. Golf is just endless shots of the sky, cricket is just standing around, formula one is just a game of follow the leader.
20 Reply Every sport except hockey is basically the same as watching paint dry to me. Even Hockey I only like watching in-person, not on TV or over a computer.
10 Reply- +1 y
Test match cricket,
crown green bowls
And even though I do it, Archery
the worst though are when you have an anorak sitting next to you, that feels the need to tell you everything about the sport …arhhhhhh.10 Reply Irrelevant since watching all sports are boring. Sports is something for the one doing it not something worth seeing in my opinion.
10 Reply- +1 y
I love golfing but I don't love watching golf on TV.
26 Reply- +1 y
Me too
- +1 y
@CubaPirate Do you golf often too?
- +1 y
Just been on a golfing trip to Whitby a coastal town in North Yorkshire England and played for 4 consecutive days. But normally just once or twice a week. What about you
- +1 y
@CubaPirate Minimum 2x per week for me, at least.
- +1 y
Cool but I bet you gave better weather where you are lol
- +1 y
@CubaPirate It's been quite hot here in California, USA. Fortunately, the golf course grass isn't dry.
American football and any kind of football. Not soccer.
20 ReplyCricket! there's so little action that birds stroll on the field
10 ReplyFor me it's honestly european football and baseball but I never watch that.
10 Reply"Watching golf is like watching flies fuck"
G. Carlin RIP
😂20 ReplySkiing and F1. My parents were obsessed watching them.
10 Reply- +1 y
golf would be so much better if they jousted on the golf carts and beat each other with clubs. thats how me and my brother played but never made it pro lol
02 Reply- +1 y
and somehow we got to figure out how some beer will fit into the equasion... yup
- +1 y
@veronicagirl973 oh yes! ah ha
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Baseball for me. I would say golf but I have golfers in my family so it’s grown on me.
10 Reply American football and baseball as i don’t even know what’s going on
22 Reply- +1 y
Poor baby, I could explain it
- +1 y
Literally anything I can go to my family, friends or neighbors about.
10 Reply - +1 y
Archery. It was like watching golf if they never actually moved.
11 Reply- +1 y
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Soccer can be fun to play but it is not visually compelling
10 Reply - +1 y
Baseball. Golf is not a sport. It's a skill, like poker. If you can wear slacks when doing it, it isn't a sport...
10 Reply - +1 y
🥌 <—- and I can’t believe they actually made an image for this.
00 Reply - +1 y
Tough choice its either wrestling, golf, basketball, football, racing, baseball, volleyball, sorry just find most all sports boring to watch.
00 Reply - +1 y
A ball is thrown. Now literally half the players... Fetch!10 Reply - +1 y
Test cricket 🏏 last for days and still no one wins
10 Reply - +1 y
1) Soccer
2) Nascar
3) Hockey
I like watching
NCAA Basketball
I used to like watching
NBA Basketball
Rodeo bull riding01 Reply- +1 y
Women here suck , none of them like baseball. Before the liberals took it over , it was the best sport ever. So many ways to play it. Offense, Defense, stealing bases, and strategy.
- +1 y
It's basically shuffleboard on ice.
I can't believe it's an event In the Olympics.00 Reply - +1 y
Cricket by a long shot
46 Reply- +1 y
Pm me 😉
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@amasingh30 yeah naahhh
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What does that mean lol?
- +1 y
@amasingh30 It means bugger off and don't be a creep
- +1 y
Basketball. I grew up before basketball was popular, I still don't understand it. I played golf for a while, so I appreciate the skill involved.
00 Reply - +1 y
Rugby League, with Rugby Union a close second.
https://www.youtube.com/embed/OpikSzNkh_Y00 Reply - +1 y
I don't watch sports, however that would have to be golf.
00 Reply 433 opinions shared on Sports topic. Golf, if you can even call that a sport.
30 ReplyGolf, snooker, chess and REPEAT!!
20 Reply- +1 y
1. Baseball 2. Golf 3. Nascar
20 Reply - +1 y
I like:
College Basketball
Drag Racing
I used to like:
Pro Wrestling
NFL00 Reply Golf. It doesn't ever get interesting
10 Reply- +1 y
81 Reply- +1 y
Yeah I've went with coworkers to 2 baseball games and fell asleep at both lmao
Cycling. Dudes riding bikes for hours on end.
11 Reply- +1 y
Baseball, Golf, Curling, Darts
10 Reply Cricket, followed by golf.
10 ReplyCricket
41 Reply- +1 y
Most sports are boring as spectator.
20 Reply Auto racing. Oh look, they're coming around again.
10 Reply- +1 y
Every sport is equally boring to watch.
10 Reply All sports. Except swimming
10 Reply- +1 y
Everysport that's not life threatening
10 Reply - +1 y
20 Reply - +1 y
Probably racing
20 Reply - +1 y
Golf is horrible to watch
10 Reply Golf
21 Reply- +1 y
American basketball
30 Reply Cricket.
10 Reply- +1 y
Does esports count?
10 Reply Golf, Tour Da French.
10 Reply- +1 y
Baseball, but at least its relaxing.
10 Reply Tennis
20 Reply- +1 y
Cricket for sure.
20 Reply Golf or curling
10 ReplyCricket and Baseball
20 Reply- Show More (24)
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